
Team project table for checking students.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Download the program - https: //nodejs.org/uk/ Installation instructions for different systems https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/

Install Database: on Windows - https://info-comp.ru/sisadminst/684-install-postgresql-11-on-windows.htmlhttps://info-comp.ru/sisadminst/684-install-postgresql-11-on-windows .html on Linux - https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/postgresql-ubuntu-16-04-ru on MacOs - https://golosay.net/install-postgresql-on-mac-os/ during installation, click Next all the time typeof password

Open pgAdmin File

  • create database with 'your name'

  • create table 'students' with columns:

    1. id bigint primary key
    2. name char 15 NOT NULL
    3. last_name char 15 NOT NULL
    4. age bigint 15 NOT NULL
    5. city char 15 NOT NULL

Install git https://git-scm.com/

Install the libraries used in the project: Open terminal ---> In the terminal, specify the path to the repository and write the command> npm install to install automatic server updates also in the terminal register> npm install -g nodemon then write the command> npm install --save-dev nodemon start the server with the command> nodemon index

Open index.html file in browser