
Some of my Processing/P.js sketch and computer graphics experiments

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This is a repository of almost all my computer graphics experiments.

These can be sorted into either art or exploration / study of algorithms / concepts. Exploration often led to interesting discoveries, most often by making mistakes.

Some of the starting one are from 2006. (Context Free Art)

This include generative art (algorithmic art), tiny code autonomous drawing algorithms (IFS, feedback), video experiments, 3d, software rendering, some shaders.

NoCode directory contain images / videos produced with variant OR unreleased / lost code

Context Free Art directory contain images and code done with Context Free Art program.

Processing directory contain Processing sketches

shadertoy directory contain GLSL scripts which were made on ShaderToy which use a screen aligned single quad, should work everywhere with minor adjustments and can be software rendered easily

opexport contain a full export (most recent but with no data) of all my Open Processing sketches, there may be some old duplicate / old versions of it in p5js or P.js directories, those contain data as well. Deprecated, see .csv for most recent one

Complete screenshot (may be slightly out of date) previews of all sketches (captured from Open Processing; see below) : screenshot.jpg

opexport.py is an Open Processing sketches exporter, it only work for single file sketches and does not import data, it use Python 3 / Selenium / Chromedriver to crawl sketches and save source code. It is deprecated, there is an export feature now.


3d print experiments with FreeCAD, brand logo, full enclosure design for Clearfog Pro and Nano PI NEO 2 boards


3d files made for fun with anim8or


experiments with VVVV

various links

Thoses are 'big filesize' art projects.

Compilation of electronic music patterns (with generative art clips stitched with ffmpeg & custom tool) :


vvvv experiment (lost code) :


Construct 2 vjing fx (with electronic music patterns) :


Some images can be found on my website

Or try the processing sketches directly in the browser here