
Crawl the web, store in graph database (Neo4j) dependencies between maven libraries

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Depcare is created in order to analyze dependencies between Maven modules. System is divided into two parts. Firstly, depcare-crawler service, is analyzing Maven repository content and sends information about libraries and versions found to Kafka topic. Secondly, depcare-supplier takes care for deeper analyzis of module version dependencies. Service fetches library's version POM file and store in database a graph of dependencies.

Depcare uses Neo4j as a primary database storage. Use of graph database technology is not accidental. Graph database fits perfectly for such type of use case.

Project uses also auxiliary services, like Prometheus, Grafana, Elastic Search, Logstash and Kibana for logging and infrastructure monitoring.

Creating seed for crawler service

curl -v http://localhost:8080/api/repo/url -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -X POST -d 'https://repo.spring.io/artifactory/libs-release/org'

Maven repositories

Depcare has been tested with two repositories: Maven Central and Spring Libs Release.


  • Spring repository: https://repo.spring.io/artifactory/libs-release/
  • Maven repository: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/

Examples of repository content

Fetching page in HTML:

curl -L https://repo.spring.io/artifactory/libs-release/io -H "Accept: application/xml, */*" -X GET


curl -L https://repo.spring.io/artifactory/libs-release/org/apache -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -X GET 
<head><meta name="robots" content="noindex" />
<title>Index of libs-release/org/apache</title>
<h1>Index of libs-release/org/apache</h1>
<pre>Name       Last modified      Size</pre><hr/>
<pre><a href="../">../</a>
<a href="accumulo/">accumulo/</a>   03-Apr-2015 13:27    -
<a href="avro/">avro/</a>       03-Oct-2013 14:57    -
<a href="calcite/">calcite/</a>    03-Apr-2015 13:27    -
<a href="flume/">flume/</a>      03-Apr-2015 13:27    -
<a href="geode/">geode/</a>      15-Oct-2019 14:57    -
<a href="hadoop/">hadoop/</a>     11-Jul-2013 01:02    -
<a href="hbase/">hbase/</a>      11-Jul-2013 01:03    -
<a href="hcatalog/">hcatalog/</a>   08-Nov-2013 16:12    -
<a href="hive/">hive/</a>       11-Jul-2013 01:03    -
<a href="knox/">knox/</a>       03-Apr-2015 13:29    -
<a href="oozie/">oozie/</a>      03-Apr-2015 14:11    -
<a href="pig/">pig/</a>        11-Jul-2013 01:03    -
<a href="ranger/">ranger/</a>     03-Apr-2015 13:30    -
<a href="spark/">spark/</a>      03-Apr-2015 13:30    -
<a href="sqoop/">sqoop/</a>      08-Nov-2013 16:12    -
<a href="tez/">tez/</a>        03-Apr-2015 13:30    -
<a href="thrift/">thrift/</a>     05-May-2013 13:56    -
<a href="zookeeper/">zookeeper/</a>  11-Jul-2013 01:03    -
<hr/><address style="font-size:small;">Artifactory Online Server at repo.spring.io Port 80</address></body></html>% 

Fetch module versions

curl -L https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/commons 


<a href="../">../</a>
<a href="3.0/" title="3.0/">3.0/</a>                                           2011-07-19 03:36         -      
<a href="3.0.1/" title="3.0.1/">3.0.1/</a>                                     2011-08-10 03:44         -      
<a href="3.1/" title="3.1/">3.1/</a>                                           2011-11-15 07:27         -      
<a href="3.10/" title="3.10/">3.10/</a>                                        2020-03-23 13:39         -      
<a href="3.11/" title="3.11/">3.11/</a>                                        2020-07-12 13:32         -      
<a href="3.12.0/" title="3.12.0/">3.12.0/</a>                                  2021-02-26 20:40         -      
<a href="3.2/" title="3.2/">3.2/</a>                                           2013-12-28 17:06         -      
<a href="3.2.1/" title="3.2.1/">3.2.1/</a>                                     2014-01-05 17:02         -      
<a href="3.3/" title="3.3/">3.3/</a>                                           2014-02-28 09:08         -      
<a href="3.3.1/" title="3.3.1/">3.3.1/</a>                                     2014-03-15 13:04         -      
<a href="3.3.2/" title="3.3.2/">3.3.2/</a>                                     2014-04-06 12:21         -      
<a href="3.4/" title="3.4/">3.4/</a>                                           2015-04-03 12:31         -      
<a href="3.5/" title="3.5/">3.5/</a>                                           2016-10-13 19:53         -      
<a href="3.6/" title="3.6/">3.6/</a>                                           2017-06-09 09:41         -      
<a href="3.7/" title="3.7/">3.7/</a>                                           2017-11-04 18:16         -      
<a href="3.8/" title="3.8/">3.8/</a>                                           2018-08-16 01:37         -      
<a href="3.8.1/" title="3.8.1/">3.8.1/</a>                                     2018-09-19 15:24         -      
<a href="3.9/" title="3.9/">3.9/</a>                                           2019-04-11 01:30         -      
<a href="maven-metadata-local.xml" title="maven-metadata-local.xml">maven-metadata-local.xml</a>                          2021-03-01 21:40       305      
<a href="maven-metadata-local.xml.md5" title="maven-metadata-local.xml.md5">maven-metadata-local.xml.md5</a>                      2021-03-01 21:40        32      
<a href="maven-metadata-local.xml.sha1" title="maven-metadata-local.xml.sha1">maven-metadata-local.xml.sha1</a>                     2021-03-01 21:40        40      
<a href="maven-metadata.xml" title="maven-metadata.xml">maven-metadata.xml</a>                                2021-03-01 21:40       846      
<a href="maven-metadata.xml.md5" title="maven-metadata.xml.md5">maven-metadata.xml.md5</a>                            2021-03-01 21:40        32      
<a href="maven-metadata.xml.sha1" title="maven-metadata.xml.sha1">maven-metadata.xml.sha1</a>                           2021-03-01 21:40        40      
<a href="maven-metadata.xml.sha256" title="maven-metadata.xml.sha256">maven-metadata.xml.sha256</a>                         2021-03-01 21:40        64      
<a href="maven-metadata.xml.sha512" title="maven-metadata.xml.sha512">maven-metadata.xml.sha512</a>                         2021-03-01 21:40       128