[Minecraft Plugin] Premium server currency system.
This plugin is PlayerPoints extension providing currency payment history, leaderboard, SMS purchase method.
- PlayerPoints https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/playerpoints (Plugin tested on version 2.1.4)
- Spigot 1.12 server
- Mysql database
- email account
- Drop PremiumPoints.jar to your plugins directory
- Start server
- Edit config.yml and messages.yml in plugin's directory to your needs.
- Restart server or reload config by using reload command.
- /pp - main command of plugin.
- /pp add <pp_value> - Adminnistrator command that adds premiumpoints to player's account
- /pp reload - Administrator command that reloads configuration.
- /pp givepsc - Administrator command that transfers premium points to player.
- /pp sms - Command for sms premium points payment.
- /pp history - Command to check purchases history.
- /pp top - description: Command to check top buyers of the month.
- /pp info - Main plugin command.
- /pp psc - Command for psc premium points payment.
- /pp collect - Command to redeem pp bought by Paysafecard.
- /pp pay - Command for sending pp to other players.
- pp.add: default: op
- pp.reload: default: op
- pp.givepsc: default: op
- pp.sms: default: true
- pp.history: default: true
- pp.top: default: true
- pp.info: default: true
- pp.psc: default: true
- pp.collect: default: true
- pp.pay: default: true
host: 'localhost'
port: 3306
database_name: 'name'
username: 'username'
password: 'password'
smtp: 'smtp.xx.com'
port: 465
username: 'email'
password: 'password'
receiver: 'send_to_email'
pp_multiplier: 1.0
secret: 'secret'
url: 'http://sms.cashbill.pl/backcode_check.php'
resp_valid: 'OK'
points: 30
number: 73480
prefix: 'prefix'
price: 3.69
points: 60
number: 76480
prefix: 'prefix'
price: 7.38
points: 90
number: 79480
prefix: 'prefix'
price: 11.07
points: 140
number: 91400
prefix: 'prefix'
price: 17.22
points: 190
number: 91900
prefix: 'prefix'
price: 23.37
header: '============ [PP (premium points)] ============'
no_permission: '&4You do not have permission to use this command!'
invalid_arg_order: '&cEntered arguments are in invalid order.'
invalid_arg_amount: '&cEntered too less or too much arguments.'
player_needed: '&cThis commands needs to be executed by a player!'
config_reloaded: '&9Configuration file and messages file has been succesfully reloaded!'
command_not_found: '&4This command does not exist!'
sms_payment_succ: '&aSuccessfully bought %pp% pp!'
sms_payment_fail: '&cEntered code is invalid or has been used before!'
sms_payment_broadcast: '&3Player &c%player%&3 has bought &c%pp%&3 pp by using command &c/pp sms'
add_received_succ: '&3You have received &c%pp%&3 pp.'
add_send_succ: '&3Successfully added %pp% pp to %player% account.'
history_empty: '&cYou havent bought any premium points yet.'
top_empty: '&cNobody bought premium points in this month yet.'
collect: '&3You have some pp bought by Paysafecard to collect. Type &c/pp collect&3 to redeem them'
collect_succ: '&aSuccessfully redeemed pp!'
collect_fail: '&cYou have no pp to collect!'
history: '&3Last 5 transactions:'
history_each: '&3- &c%pp%&3 pp, type: &c%type%&3, date &c%date%'
pay: '&3To send somebody premium points, type &c/pp pay <player> <amount>'
pay_succ: '&aSuccessfully send %pp% pp to player %player%'
pay_fail: '&cInvalid syntax of command. Please use &9/pp pay <player> <amount>'
pay_not_enough: '&cYou have not enough pp to send this amount to other player.'
pay_received: '&3You have received &c%pp%&3 pp from player &c%player%&3.'
top: '&3Top 5 pp buyers of the month:'
top_each: '&3%id%. &c%player%&3 has bought &c%pp%&3 pp.'
info: |-
&3Welcome &c%playername%&3. You have &c%player_pp%&3 pp.
&3Available commands:
&c/pp&3 - main plugin page
&c/pp sms&3 - command to buy premium points
&c/pp psc&3 - command to buy pp by PSC
&c/pp history&3 - check your last purchases
&c/pp top&3 - show top 5 buyers of this month
psc: |-
&3If you want to buy pp by PaySafeCard
&3type: &c/pp psc <16 digits code>
&3i.e &c/pp psc 1234123412341234
&c1&3zl = &c100&3pp
&3Remember that all cash stored on PIN code
&3will be taken
psc_invalid: '&cThe entered PaySafeCard code is not 16 characters long or contains letters.'
psc_valid: '&aSuccessfully send code to server admin. Now wait for validation.'
sms: |-
&3You can buy &c30&3, &c60&3, &c90&3, &c140&3 or &c190&3 pp
&3If you want, type: &c/pp sms <value>
&3i.e &c/pp sms 60
sms_choice: |-
&3If you want to buy %pp% pp
&3Send sms of message &c%message%&3 on &c%number%
&3Cost of sms: &c%cost% &3with VAT.
&3Then provide received code by typing:
&c/pp sms %pp% <code>
&3i.e &c/pp sms %pp% ABCDEFGH