Advent of Code - PostgreSQL

I’ve been inspired by Vik Fearing’s work solving Advent of Code using PostgreSQL since I first saw it in 2017 and thought I’d finally try my hand as well.

I’ve flagrantly appropriated his set up. Thanks, Vik!


One of the features I learned from looking at Vik’s work is \COPY some_table FROM PROGRAM 'curl ...', which we can use to fetch the input from the advent of code site. We need a cookie to do so.

cp session.netscape.dist session.netscape

Update session.netscape to include the session id you find in your browser.

For some reason I haven’t been successful using the Set-Cookie cookie format, but the Netscape tab-delimited cookie file works for me.

Now you can run the scripts with something like this:

psql -Xqf 2020/day01.sql

Technically these are psql (not sql) files, as I’m using psql-specific commands as well. psql is one of the reasons PostgreSQL is so wnoderful!