
Tooling to measure website performance

Why Performance Matters

Topics -

Topics on “Tooling to measure your website performance” as below…

  1. Chrome Developer Tools overview

  2. Progressive Tooling | What are the different performance tools?

  3. Front-end performance with HTTP/2

  4. Service Workers: an Introduction

  5. Google workbox

  6. Server side rendering & code splitting.

  7. Browserslist Integration

    • babel 7
    • autoprefixer, stylelint, eslint-plugin-compat and many others.
  8. Server configurations.

  9. Assessing Loading Performance in Real Life with Navigation and Resource Timing

  10. Reduce JavaScript Payloads with Tree Shaking

  11. Web Performance Optimization with webpack

  12. Offscreen Images - IntersectionObserver

  13. Performance

    • Critical Request Chains
    • Defer unused CSS
    • Enable Text Compression
    • Resource Hints and Client Hints
  14. Best Practices

    • Opens External Anchors Using rel="noopener"
  15. Walkthrough - Front-end performance checklist

  16. Community Resources - Blogs, GitHub, Twitter, Stack overflow, Videos, Books

  17. Lighthouse CI

  18. Web Worker

Demo - nginx configurations nginx-performance-tooling

  • Content Compression gzip, brotli etc.
  • http2
  • Content Caching