IoT tracker device built with a Pycom FiPy.
Scan nearby WiFi APs (WLAN scans) to get locations using Google Geolocation API.
Send WLAN scans over LoRaWAN.
Acquire location using a UART GPS module (u-blox M6/M7/M8).
Log WLAN scans and GPS locations to SD card.
Convert WLAN scans to coordinates and plot them in Google Maps.
- Edit the config.json file to enable/disable features.
- Rename the file to with the required credentials.
- Using Pycom's VS Code extension Pymakr, click upload to save all the files to the pycom's flash memory.
If the device has the datalogger feature on (SAVE_TO_SD set to true in config.json), then you can plot the device's location history on Google Maps.
- Copy the contents of the SD card to the sd folder.
- To convert WLAN scans to GPS coordinates using Google Geolocation API, run the google_maps_plots/ script.
- To plot the WLAN scans & GPS coordinates on Google Maps, run the google_maps_plots/ script.