
pmacct RPM with nDPI support for CentOS 7.

This is work is based on RPM from Lux Repository.

How to build

nDPI 3.4

The build must be done on a NethServer 7.

First, compile ndpi-dev rRPM because pmacct requires nDPI devel headers.

yum install gcc-c++ automake autoconf  libpcap-devel libtool numactl-devel jason-c-devel -y
tar xvzf 3.4.tar.gz
ln -s nDPI-3.4/ nDPI
cd nDPI-3.4/
./ && ./configure && make && make install
cd packages/rpm
./configure && make


Move to root directory, then prepare the evironment to build rpms:

yum install podman git
mkdir ~/bin
curl | bash

Build pmacct:

export PATH=$PATH:~/bin
git clone
cd pmacct
YUM_ARGS="--enablerepo=nethserver-testing" ~/bin/makerpms pmacct.spec


You need to force install to avoid dependency errors:

rpm -Uvh --nodeps pmacct-*.rpm


Create this sqlite file, eg schema.sql:

CREATE TABLE acct_v5 (
    agent_id INT(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    class CHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' ',
    class_id CHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' ',
    mac_src CHAR(17) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0:0:0:0:0:0',
    mac_dst CHAR(17) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0:0:0:0:0:0',
    vlan INT(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    ip_src CHAR(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    ip_dst CHAR(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    src_port INT(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    dst_port INT(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    ip_proto CHAR(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, 
    tos INT(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, 
    packets INT NOT NULL,
    bytes BIGINT NOT NULL,
    stamp_inserted DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
    stamp_updated DATETIME,
    PRIMARY KEY (agent_id, class, class_id, mac_src, mac_dst, vlan, ip_src, ip_dst, src_port, dst_port, ip_proto, tos, stamp_inserted)

Then load it:

sqlite3 /etc/pmacct/pmacct.db < schema.sql

Example of pmacctd.conf:

! debug: true
daemonize: false
! libpcap daemon configs
pcap_interface: eth0
! Plugins definitions
plugins: sqlite3[foo],  memory[all]
! 'foo' plugin configuration
aggregate[foo]: src_host, dst_host, src_port, dst_port, proto, tos, class
sql_db[foo]: /etc/pmacct/pmacct.db
sql_table_name[foo]: acct
sql_table_version[foo]: 5 
! sql_table_version[foo]: 2 
! sql_table_version[foo]: 3 
sql_refresh_time[foo]: 60
sql_history[foo]: 1m 
sql_history_roundoff[foo]: m

aggregate[all]: dst_host, src_host
!imt_path[all]: /tmp/pipe.memory

Execute the daemon:

cd /etc/pmacct
pmacctd -f pmacctd.conf

Example of data:

# sqlite3 /etc/pmacct/pmacct.db "select * from acct_v5;"
0|Unknown/Unknown|unknown|0:0:0:0:0:0|0:0:0:0:0:0|0|||443|44942|tcp|0|1|60|0|2022-01-24 09:52:00|2022-01-24 09:53:01
0|TLS/Facebook|unknown|0:0:0:0:0:0|0:0:0:0:0:0|0|||44942|443|tcp|0|8|596|0|2022-01-24 09:52:00|2022-01-24 09:53:01
0|TLS/Facebook|unknown|0:0:0:0:0:0|0:0:0:0:0:0|0|||443|44942|tcp|0|6|3480|0|2022-01-24 09:52:00|2022-01-24 09:53:01