
Course material for the AI for every developer course

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

AI for every developer - Update Conference Prague 2019 course material

Course material for the AI for every developer course. This is the repository with all the assets out of my speech at the Update Conference 2019 in Prague. You can find the slides on the assets folder both in PDF and Power Point format


To run all the samples you're gonna need Visual Studio 2017 or 2019 (any version) to run all the .Net related samples. You also gonna need .Net Core 3.0 installed on your machine. To run the ONNX converter you need Docker installed on your system.

To run the notebooks and the Python/TensorFlow/Keras related samples you're gonna need Anaconda

Cloning the repository

Open a Bash prompt, move on the parent directory where you want to clone the repository and type the following command on a Bash console:

git clone https://github.com/gsantopaolo/UpdateConference2019.git

Installing and configuring Anaconda

Download and Install Anaconda Python 3.7


Open an Anaconda prompt and change to course folder

cd UpdateConference2019

Create the course environment

if you want to use the CPU

conda env create

If you have an NVidia GPU GTX/RTX

conda env create -f environment-gpu.yml

wait for the environment to create.

Activate the environment

conda activate ai_for_every_dev

Check that your prompt changed to

(ai_for_every_dev) $

Launch Jupyter Notebook

jupyter notebook

Run the Check environment Notebook

Go to the notebooks folder, open the notebook check_environment.ipynb and run it. If you see the message:

Houston we are go!

You are good to go! Enjoy!

Troubleshooting installation

If for some reason you don't see Houston we are go!, the simplest solution is to delete the environment and start from scratch again.

To remove the environment:

  • close the browser and go back to your terminal
  • stop jupyter notebook (CTRL-C)
  • deactivate the environment:
conda deactivate
  • delete the environment:
conda env remove -n ai_for_every_dev
  • restart from environment creation and make sure that each steps completes till the end.

Updating Conda

One thing you can also try is to update your conda executable. This may help if you already had Anaconda installed on your system.

conda update conda



Contains the sample demonstrating how to train a model to classify hand written digits using the MNIST data-set and ML.NET


Contains the sample demonstrating how to train a model to classify hand written digits using the MNIST data-set and SciSharp/TensorFlow.NET


Contains the sample demonstrating how to train a model to classify hand written digits using the MNIST data-set and SciSharp/Keras.NET


Here you can find a TensorFlow notebook and a Keras Notebook demonstrating how to train a model to classify hand written digits using the MNIST data-set. You need to install the Anaconda environment and then launch corresponding the Jupyter notebook


Useful Resources


Special thanks to the following people and groups that contributed inspiration, ideas or support for this ever-evolving talk / workshop: