
Syntax highlighting and auto-completion for Kivy/KivyMD .kv files in PyCharm/Intellij IDEA

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Syntax highlighting and auto-completion for Kivy/KivyMD .kv files in PyCharm/Intellij IDEA


This settings file is based on the one that is located at the "Setting Up Kivy with various popular IDE's" page of Kivy@GitHub.
It's updated and has also support for the KivyMD modules and properties.

There are 4 categories of keywords:

  • Modules (e.g. FloatLayout, Button, Image ..)
  • Properties (e.g. text, source, size_hint_x ..)
  • Actions (e.g. on_release, on_text, on_parent ..)
  • Special (The app, cls, root, self, False, None, True keywords)

The colors of these categories can be changed in Settings>Editor>Color Scheme>Custom.

You can Add/Remove keywords by going to the Settings>Editor>File Types and double click (edit) the Kv Language entry.

Also, feel free to inform me about missing keywords so that I can update the settings file.

Installation instructions for PyCharm/Intellij IDEA:

  • Click File> [Manage IDE Settings] >Export Settings and save a backup of your current settings (in case something goes wrong)
  • Download the JetBrains.kvMD.completion.v0.x.jar from the releases
  • Click File> [Manage IDE Settings] >Import Settings
  • Select the .jar file and a dialog will open.
  • Click OK and restart PyCharm ;o)

Semi-Language Injection to String Literals

Added in v0.3

PyCharm, IDEA (and all the JetBrains IDE's) support "Language Injection", a way to have syntax highlighting inside the Python's string literals.
Unfortunately, only the supported languages are supported (!)

There is a workaround (better than nothing, but not by much), to have something like this:


You can read about it here.

To use it, just select all the kv code in the string, press Ctrl+Alt+T ("Surround With...") and select the KV. Surround for kv injection entry.