#ofxKuZed Addon for working with StereoLab ZED camera in openFrameworks.
Addon videos:
- Outdoor test: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NN55LPlPi3s
- Indoor test: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MDdGssqQEk
ZED camera is a passive stereo camera, allowing to obtain depth data on sunlight at distance 20 meters.
- https://www.stereolabs.com/zed/specs/
- https://kuflex.wordpress.com/2016/08/18/overview-of-stereolabs-zed-camera-lightweight-outdoors-depth-camera/
##Addon's features
- It wraps all basic camera settings such as resolution, fps and depth computing quality
- It provides CPU-access to:
- left and right rectified RGB images (as ofPixels, ofTexture)
- depth data in millimeters (as ofFloatPixels, ofPixels, ofTexture)
- point cloud with colors (as vectors of ofPoint and ofColor)
- It uses "lazy" updating of all pixel arrays and textures: they are updated only by request to save CPU resources.
- It includes an example '''zedExample''', demonstrating work with RGB and depth images, and point cloud from camera.
##Compiled example Binaries of the compiled example are here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ofxkuzed-zedexample/
(Windows, Visual Studio 2015 Community C++, openFrameworks 0.9.3)
##Simple usage:
In ofApp.h:
#include "ofxKuZed.h"
class ofApp {
ofxKuZed zed;
In ofApp.cpp:
ofApp::setup() {
//see zed.set... functions for more settings
void ofApp::update() {
//ofPixels &left = zed.getLeftPixels(); //access to left image colors
//ofFloatPixels &depth_mm = zed.getDepthPixels_mm(); //access to depth
//vector<ofPoint> &points = zed.getPointCloud(); //access to point cloud
void ofApp::draw() {
float W = ofGetWidth();
float H = ofGetHeight();
//zed.drawLeft(0, 0); //draw left color image, it's synced with depth image
zed.drawDepth(0, H / 2, W / 2, H / 2, 0, 5000); //0 and 5000 - depth range to draw as white and black
//To draw point cloud:
//Define "ofEasyCam easyCam" in ofApp class
##Advanced usage
See an example '''zedExample''' distributed with addon, and '''ofxKuZed.h''' file.
##Requirements Currently addon is tested on Windows 10.
To compile the addon's example you need:
Installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community C++
openFrameworks 0.9.3
Installed Cuda 7.5 (and NVidia videocard) https://cloud.mail.ru/public/79z4/164HTQkeq
If you are using another CUDA:
Write proper path in parameter <CUDA_DIR> in file '''zedExample.vcxproj'''
Installed ZED SDK (example project is configured for '''ZED_SDK_WinSetup_v1.0.0c.exe''') https://cloud.mail.ru/public/8Luw/yPxdYh91A
If you are using older ZED SDK, you need:
Write proper path in <ZED_SDK_DIR> in file''' zedExample.vcxproj''', Adjust project's properties to valid paths and libs names in the following settings: - C/C++ - General - Additional include directories - Linker - General - Additional library directories - Linker - Input - Additional dependencies
To run the example you need:
- ZED camera
- USB 3.0 is preferrable (camera works with USB 2.0 too, but slower)
##Credits The addon is based on
- ofxZED addon by Design & Systems and Stefan Wagner https://github.com/andsynchrony/ofxZED
Addon is written by Kuflex lab, https://github.com/kuflex/ofxKuZed
- Port to Linux
- Implement settings for RGB images (brightness, contrast)
- Implement masking using GPU
- Implement recording/playing SVO