Pipenv Environment Manager

You can use pip to install Pipenv

$ pip install --user pipenv

Pipenv Documentation After install run:

$ pipenv shell

When shell is running, run command:

$ pipenv install

This will install all the dependencies in the Pipfile. You can now use all the normal Django manage.py commands from inside the pipenv shell.

Starting The Server

While still in the pipenv shell run:

$ python manage.py runserver

The server should now be running on localhost:8000. Open browser and navigate to localhost:8000.

Using the APP


endpoints request description
/calculate POST takes you to a basic calculator
/bulk-calculate POST file uploader for bulk calculations

Bulk Calculations

You can upload .txt files with data in the form:

amount: 100000 
interest: 5.5% 
downpayment: 20000 
term: 30

amount: 150000 
interest: 5.2% 
downpayment: 23000 
term: 30

Data should be separated by a space. There is a loanData.txt file in the root directory for you to try. Also, there is a 'Send JSON' option at the /bulk-calculate endpoint for you to get back raw JSON Data.


In the pipenv shell run:

python mange.py test pages

You can find the test file in the pages. It's called test_calc.py. It tests the root calculation which generates the results.

Dev Tools

In the pipenv shell run:

$ py manage.py livereload

Then run the srever

$ py manage.py runserver

Now the server will automatically update when the code base changes. Django Sass

$ py manage.py sass loan_calculator/static/scss loan_calculator/static/css --watch