
connect to a remote inspector that uses the inspector APIs

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

inspector-remote - local/remote inspector session connector

Node.js version 8.x includes a new built-in package inspector, which provides the capability of managing and using the in-process Node.js inspector, for debugging your own app, while it's running.

Another interesting debugging use-case is providing an interface to deal with other Node.js processes via the remote inspector - Node.js processes which have the inspector option enabled for debugging out-of-process.

This package provides a function which will return an object with a similar interface to the Node.js inspector Session object, which can be used to debug in-process or out-of-process.

That Session object can be used to invoke methods, and listen to events, as described in the Chrome DevTools Protocol Viewer.

example usage

The following function will will generate a 5-second CPU profile from a remote Node.js program by passing it's inspector URL as the parameter (eg, http://localhost:9229):

(a complete script using this function is available in the git repo as test/profile.js)

async function generateProfile (url) {
  if (url == null) throw new Error('url parameter required')

  const session = inspectorRemote.createSession(url)

  await session.connect()

  await session.post('Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebugger')
  await session.post('Profiler.enable')
  await session.post('Profiler.setSamplingInterval', { interval: 100 })
  await session.post('Profiler.start')

  await sleep(5)

  const profile = await session.post('Profiler.stop')

  await session.disconnect()
  console.log(JSON.stringify(profile, null, 4))


npm install moar-things/inspector-remote


This package exports the following properties:

  • version - the version of the package

This package exports the following function:

createSession (url)

This function creates either a local or remote session, depending on whether the url parameter is null or not. If null, it creates a local session. If not null, creates a remote session.

If a local session is requested, but the runtime does not support local sessions, null will be returned.

The url parameter can be a url object, or a string. The url should use the http: protocol, so when running a program locally with the --inspect option, which by default uses port 9229, you would specify the url as http://localhost:9229.

A local session connects to the debugger available in-process. Local sessions can only be created for Node.js runtimes that support the built-in inspector package (ie, Node.js versions >= 8.x.x). The createSession() function will return null if a local session cannot be created.

A remote session connects to an inspector socket via WebSocket.

Both sessions have the same interface, which is very similar to Node.js inspector Session objects, with the following differences:

  • a read-only url property is available, which has the value of the url parameter used to create the session

  • a read-only isConnected property is available, which is true if the session is connected, and false if it isn't

  • the connect() and disconnect() methods return a promise of null which is resolved when complete, or rejected if an error occurs

  • the events connected and disconnected are available, whose only arguments are the session object

  • the post(method, params) method returns a promise on the result and does not take a callback


This package is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE.md file for more information.


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