
maxima package for denesting radical expressions


A Maxima package for denesting radical expressions

Most of the code in this Maxima package is a rather direct port of Sympy's denesting code:


The code is licensed under the GPL-compatible "3-clause BSD license".

More information can be found in the comments in raddenest.mac.


Copy the three files to ~/.maxima (or alternatively some other directory that is searched by Maxima. See file_search_maxima for more info.)

The package can then be loaded using load(raddenest). To run the testsuite or try the provided demos you may have to point file_search_demo and file_search_tests to ~/.maxima:

file_search_demo: append(["~/.maxima/$$$.dem"],file_search_demo);
file_search_tests: append(["~/.maxima/$$$.mac"],file_search_tests);
run_testsuite(display_all=false, tests=["rtest_raddenest.mac"]);