
Docker image for slrnpull

MIT LicenseMIT


Docker image for slrnpull which is part of the slrn newsreader.

How to use

  • Create a directory which will be used as spool directory for slrnpull
    mkdir ~/slrnpull
  • Create a configuration file based on this example slrnpull.conf
    wget http://slrn.sourceforge.net/docs/slrnpull/slrnpull.conf ~/slrnpull/slrnpull.conf
  • Run slrnpull by mounting your spool directory. You find all the supported command line options in slrnpull's README
    docker run -it -v ~/slrnpull:/var/spool/slrnpull gschlager/slrnpull --help

Bash script

The following bash script runs slrnpull and uses the current directory as spool directory. It needs to contain the slrnpull.conf file.


docker run -it -v ${PWD}:/var/spool/slrnpull gschlager/slrnpull $@

Put the script whereever you want (e.g. /usr/local/bin/slrnpull) and make it runable (chmod +x slrnpull).