
Python package to access ENDF files available on the web

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

web-endfy: access ENDF files on the web

This Python package provides convenience functions to access the ENDF files of the major nuclear data libraries from Python.

Note: This package has not been extensively tested and may contain bugs and maybe does not work as expected under all circumstances. If you test it and encounter any issues, feel free to report back by opening an issue here.


We recommend the creation of a virtual environment. For instance, with conda this can be done by

conda create -y -n web-endfy pip 
conda activate web-endfy

The package web-endfy itself can be installed using pip by

pip install git+https://github.com/iaea-nds/web-endfy.git  


This package contains two classes. The class EndfNDSDownloader allows to access the content of ENDF files available in the public archive of the Nuclear Data Section of the IAEA. The other class, EndfArchiveDownloader is a low-level interface and can be employed by the user to access content of ENDF files at custom internet locations.


The EndfNDSDownloader class contains three relevant methods: get_library_dt(), get_isotope_dt() and get_endf_file(). To list all ENDF files known by the EndfNDSDownloader class including information about the projectile, target and material number, you can use the instructions:

nds_endf_dl = EndfNDSDownloader()

The second instruction will take a couple of minutes as it accesses many websites in the NDS archive to determine the available ENDF files. The information of downloaded files is stored in a cache directory whose location is determined by the appdirs package and printed out upon loading the web-endfy package. Subsequent calls will retrieve the information from the cache directory in order to avoid the slow download from the internet. The location of the cache directory can be adjusted by providing the cache_dir argument in the call to EndfNDSDownloader():

from web_endfy import EndfNDSDownloader
nds_endf_dl = EndfNDSDownloader(cache_dir='mycachedir')

The result of the nds_endf_dl.get_isotope_dt() call is a pandas dataframe with the information about each available ENDF file:

       projectile   mat  charge  ...        libname  libtype level
0               g   128       1  ...  jendl-pd-2016        g   NaN
1               g   225       2  ...  jendl-pd-2016        g   NaN
2               g   301     100  ...  jendl-pd-2016        g   NaN
3               g   302     100  ...  jendl-pd-2016        g   NaN
4               g   303     100  ...  jendl-pd-2016        g   NaN
...           ...   ...     ...  ...            ...      ...   ...

Finally, the content of an ENDF file can be retrieved by the method .get_endf_file():

endf_cont = nds_endf_dl.get_endf_file(charge=2, libname='jendl-pd-2016')

Any column name available in the isotope dataframe above can be used as filter. If the provided filters match more than one line in the dataframe, an exception will be raised. Usually, you will also need at least a libtype and mass specification.

The .get_endf_file() method can also take an optional argument trafo with a function that transforms the string representation of the content of an ENDF file into something else. For instance, you could immediately parse the content with the endf-parserpy package to obtain a nested dictionary:

from endf_parserpy import BasicEndfParser
parser = BasicEndfParser()
endf_cont = nds_endf_dl.get_endf_file(
    charge=2, libname='jendl-pd-2016', trafo=parser.parse

If the execution of the trafo function takes a lot of time, its result can also be cached for faster subsequent retrievals. To enable the caching, provide the trafo_cache_ext argument while instantiating the EndfNDSDownloader class to specify the file extension for storing the transformed content:

nds_endf_dl = EndfNDSDownloader(trafo_cache_ext='.trafo')


The EndfArchiveDownloader class provides a low-level interface that can be used to access ENDF data stored on the web. It can be used if the ENDF files are available as a list of links on a website that can be discerned from other links by matching the href string with a regular expression.

As an example, the following instruction instantiates the EndfArchiveDownloader class to allow downloads of ENDF files from the JEFF 3.3 neutron sublibrary as provided in the public archive of the NDS:

from web_endfy import EndfArchiveDownloader
jeff_dl = EndfArchiveDownloader(
    rex='^(?P<projectile>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)_(?P<mat>[0-9]+)_' +
        'projectile': str, 'charge': int, 'element': 'titlecase',
        'mass': int, 'mat': int

The argument liburl specifies the url of the website that contains the links to the ENDF files. The argument libspec is a library designation, which should qualify as a valid directory name. cache_dir specifies the path to a cache directory to avoid re-downloading ENDF files. cache_dir=None means that no caching is performed.

The regular expression given in rex is matched against the href attributes of all links to extract only links to ENDF files. Please note that named capture groups (?P<colname> ... ) must be present. The name of the group (e.g., projectile) will be used to create a column in a dataframe that contains the captured content, such as n, p, etc. The dtypes argument contains a dictionary that specifies to which type the matched string of each capture group should be cast before being stored in a dataframe. The keys are given by the names of the capture groups and the values are the names of conversion functions, e.g. int, str, and titlecase. Currently available conversion functions can be found at the beginning of the file web-endf/link_info_extraction.py.

After creating the instance of the EndfArchiveDownloader, you can obtain a pandas dataframe with a list of all available ENDF files by


To access an ENDF file, use the .get_endf_file() method:

jeff_dl.get_endf_file(element='He', mass=4)

As for the EndfNDSDownloader class, you can also provide a trafo argument with a function to transform the string representation of the ENDF file to something else.

In contrast to the EndfNDSDownloader class, downloaded files are not cached by default. To enable caching, specify the cache directory via the cache_dir argument. If you have specified a transformation and want results to be cached, too, you need to provide the trafo_cache_ext argument as well:

jeff_dl = EndfNDSDownloader(

Legal note

This code is distributed under the MIT license, see the accompanying license file for more information.

Copyright (c) International Atomic Energy Agency