
Minimal oh-my-zsh theme

MIT LicenseMIT

¬ Leverage - a minimal oh-my-zsh theme


Based off of the standard minimal theme, Leverage uses colors, and an extra ¬ character, to better distinguish the command line prompt from your output. Leverage-C is slightly more compact. It's useful for users who work with long git branch names.


Install Leverage

  • Put the leverage.zsh-theme file in your ~/oh-my-zsh/themes directory.
    • cd ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/&&curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gschnall/leverage/master/leverage.zsh-theme
    • Note: the file must be named leverage.zsh-theme
  • Next, in your zshrc, change your ZSH_THEME to leverage.
    • It should look like this: ZSH_THEME="leverage"

Install Leverage-C

  • Put the leverage-c.zsh-theme file in your ~/oh-my-zsh/themes directory.
    • cd ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/&&curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gschnall/leverage/master/leverage-c.zsh-theme
    • Note: the file must be named leverage-c.zsh-theme
  • Next, in your zshrc, change your ZSH_THEME to leverage-c.
    • It should look like this: ZSH_THEME="leverage-c"

Side by Side screen shot of leverage & leverage-c


Pictured with the font "Menlo" using the Gruvbox color scheme for iTerm2.