
This repository contains the precompiled toolchain including all libraries that are necessary to compile RIOT-OS for ESP8266

Primary LanguageC++


This repository contains the precompiled toolchain including all libraries that are necessary to compile RIOT-OS for ESP8266


To install the toolchain use the following commands:

cd /opt
sudo git clone https://github.com/gschorcht/RIOT-Xtensa-ESP8266-toolchain.git esp

After the installation, the components of the toolchain are installed in directory /opt/esp. Of course, you can use any other location for the installation, e.g., /path/to/toolchain with following commands:

cd /path/to/
sudo git clone https://github.com/gschorcht/RIOT-Xtensa-ESP8266-toolchain.git toolchain

Contents of the toolchain

The toolchain consists of the following parts:

The esp-open-sdk was compiled with command

make toolchain esptool libhal sdk STANDALONE=n

so that it can't be used without specifying the SDK location. It includes a patched version of the MIT licensed vendor SDK from Espressif. in directory esp-open-sdk/sdk.

Even though esp-open-sdk also includes the newlib, it has to be replaced with a newer version of newlib-xtensa that was initially written for esp-open-rtos. This version of newlib supports atomics while the newlib version coming with esp-open-sdk does not.


To use the toolchain, you have to add the path of the binaries to your PATH variable as according to your toolchain location:

export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/toolchain/esp-open-sdk/xtensa-lx106-elf/bin

For the default installation in /opt/esp this would be:

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/esp/esp-open-sdk/xtensa-lx106-elf/bin

Furthermore, you have to set variables SDK_DIR and NEWLIB_DIR according to the location of the toolchain.

export SDK_DIR=/path/to/toolchain/esp-open-sdk/sdk
export NEWLIB_DIR=/path/to/toolchain/newlib-xtensa

For the default installation in /opt/esp this would be:

export SDK_DIR=/opt/esp/esp-open-sdk/sdk
export NEWLIB_DIR=/opt/esp/newlib-xtensa

If you have used /opt/esp as installation directory, it is not necessary to set the variables since Makefiles use them as default directories.

You can also use SDK versions directly from Espressif together with the toolchain. In that case just set your SDK_DIR variable accordingly. For example, if you would have installed the SDK in /opt/esp/ESP8266_NONOS_SDK-2.1.0, you would have to set your SDK_DIR variable as following:

export SDK_DIR=/opt/esp/ESP8266_NONOS_SDK-2.1.0


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