
Implementation for the work: Fixed-Priority Memory-Centric Scheduler for COTS-Based Multiprocessors

Primary LanguageC

Fixed Priority Memory Centric Scheduler: Erika on Jailhouse (Jetson TX2)

Copyright Notice

  • Jailhouse: All files in the folder jailhouse-master_dprem are licensed according to the specified license (see files README.md, LICENSING.md, COPYING, and related). Credits for the cache coloring implementation go to the High-Performance Real-Time Laboratory (HiPeRT Lab) at the University of Modena and the HERCULES Innovation Action of the EU project Horizon 2020.
  • Erika: All files in the folder ee_files are licensed according to the specified license (see files README.md, LICENSE.TXT, THIRDPARTY.TXT, and related, and this website)
  • TACLe-Bench: All files in the folder benchmarking/sha are licensed according to the license specified in the file. For more details see the TACLe-Bench repository.
  • Rest: For all files of this repository, without the subdirectories ee_files and jailhouse-master_dprem, which do not specify a different license in the file itself, the license will default to BSD Zero Clause License (see DefaultLicense.txt)
  • For any file, containing license information on its own, this specified license takes precedence.

If there are any issues where a file in this repository violates the license terms of a respective property right owner, please write an issue and the file will be labeled correctly or removed.

Prerequisites on Host

There is a docker configuration in docker/ that can be used. To use it you folder structure should look like this:

├── docker
└── code
    └── workspace
        └── Erika_DPREM

Download the file eclipse-rtdruid3-photon-linux-gtk-x86_64_20190524_gh65.tar.gz (Eclipse Photon, Linux 64bit), put it in the docker folder and use the build.sh to create a docker container that you can run with the launch.sh.

Prerequisites on TX2

Jailhouse needs to be installed just as described in https://github.com/evidence/linux-jailhouse-jetson. Compiling, installing and starting jailhouse are also described there. Additionally there are some helpful scripts for Jailhouse developement: make.sh and recompile_restart.sh.

In the folder benchmarking/ are some scripts as well as Erika binaries (sub directories).


One UART is used by Jailhouse inbuild printk function and the Erika calls to printk.

To use the second UART (UART-C) ref. to benchmarking/enable_uart_c.sh. To monitor UART-C use minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB1 (or whatever your USB to serial adapter is detected as). Use minicom on you host machine to not slow down the TX2.


  • Every inmate gets its cache partition from its A57 core ID (in the range of 0-3 on TX2).
  • To compile Erika applications for Jailhouse in Eclipse you need some files from the Jailhouse compilation. So after compiling Jailhouse copy the jailhouse folder back from the TX2 to the Host in place of the existing folder (copy_jailhouse_to_tx2.sh / copy_jailhouse_from_tx2.sh). The Erika Makefiles will then find the necessary libraries in the jailhouse folder.
  • Setup of dependencies see below


  • There are two versions of memory arbitration implemented: TDMA and fixed priority. You can switch from one to the other in the file include/jailhouse/config.h (+ recompile & restart).
  • There is a define in the fixed_priority.c code which suspends linux cores in case the memory is in use (untested!). It should be easily adaptable for tdma as well.
  • Jailhouse compilation might fail while it is running.

Test Runs

Example for running benchmarks on all three cores:

  1. ./prepare_linux.sh
  2. sudo ./jetson_clocks.sh
  3. ./enable_uart_c.sh
  4. ./start_jailhouse.sh
  5. ./add_test_cells.sh
  6. ./run_all_erika_inmate.sh
  7. ./halt_linux (will halt linux for 6 minutes)
  8. [on host] open UART-C using minicom, leave without resetting (Ctrl+A,Q) then use timeout 6m cat /dev/ttyUSB1 > capture.csv
  9. [on host] alternatively use minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB1 -C capture.csv

Configs used:

  • Root cell: configs/arm64/jetson-tx2-colored.cell
  • Test cell0: configs/arm64/jetson-tx2-gschwaer-testing-p0.cell
  • Test cell1: configs/arm64/jetson-tx2-gschwaer-testing-p1.cell
  • Test cell2: configs/arm64/jetson-tx2-gschwaer-testing-p2.cell

Erika Dependencies Setup

For the following you can also specify workspace paths if the files are in your workspace.

Project Properties > Oil > Erika Files Location:

  • Manual <path in your FS>/Erika_DPREM/ee_files

Project Properties > Oil > Generator properties:

  • Enable project specific settings
  • AArch64 - Compiler prefix: aarch64-linux-gnu-
  • AArch64 - Jailhouse dir: <path in your FS>/jailhouse-master
  • AArch64 - Jailhouse version: 0.9.1

Project Properties > C/C++ General > Preprocessor Include Paths, Macros etc.:

  • Go to Entries > GNU C > CDT User Settings Entries:
  • Add the following as Include Directory, File System Path:
    • /usr/lib/gcc-cross/aarch64-linux-gnu/7/include
    • <path in your FS>/jailhouse-master/hypervisor
    • <path in your FS>/jailhouse-master/hypervisor/include
    • <path in your FS>/jailhouse-master/hypervisor/arch/arm64/include
    • <path in your FS>/jailhouse-master/hypervisor/arch/arm-common/include
    • <path in your FS>/jailhouse-master/include
    • <path in your FS>/jailhouse-master/include/arch/arm64
    • <path in your FS>/jailhouse-master/include/inmates/lib
    • <path in your FS>/jailhouse-master/include/inmates/lib/arm64/include
    • <path in your FS>/jailhouse-master/include/inmates/lib/arm-common/include

Bugs and Quirks

It happens every now and then, that ...

  • the USB serial to UART dies -> reboot
  • the Erika inmate just stops executing -> reboot
  • same for Linux -> hard reset