
Perl IRC DDoS Bot

Primary LanguagePerl

IRC Botnet

Perl based DDoS IRC botnet, intially pulled from: Work in progress to serve for educational purposes only.


This bot only requires perl to run; and an IRC server as a C&C server.

Download and extract the latest perl file.

$ perl bot.pl


Ensure you have an IRC server running on port 6667 (default setting), and login as user admin (default setting) and channel #bot_room (default setting). Initiate the help command: !u @help

<@admin> !u @help
<zombie>  [Help] ======================= 
<zombie>  [Help] w0rmer PerlBot Main Help:  
<zombie>  [Help] ======================= 
<zombie>  [Help] !u @system              
<zombie>  [Help] !u @version             
<zombie>  [Help] !u @channel             
<zombie>  [Help] !u @flood               
<zombie>  [Help] !u @utils               
<zombie>  [Help] =======================