
A vod e-commerce site example as a REST API with entreprise java beans and Angular

Primary LanguageJava

VoD project

This is a project for a web application using Java EE and stateless entreprise java beans as a backend and Angular 2 as a frontend. The following sections covers the architecture details, how frontend and backend interacts and finally how to install and use it.


The project's scope is only the backend as a REST API, the frontend is just a trial of Angular2 Beta. Thus it is quite incomplete and bugged, apologies for that, but I won't fix it.



This project is composed of a backend implemented in Java Entreprise Edition and a frontend using Angular2 beta. The backend and the frontend interacts with each other through REST requests and responses.



The backend business logic is exposed as REST resources, please note that the backend implementation could differ from the facade, as an example director and author are member of the same Person table but exposed as different resources. Below is a list of exposed resources available.

  • dvd
  • dvd_provider
  • dvd_order
  • author
  • director
  • payment : this resource is only available under the scope of a dvd_order, i.e with a url such as '/dvd_order/:id/payment'
  • shipment : this resource is only available under the scope of a dvd_order, same as payment
  • arrival : this resource is only available under the scope of a dvd
  • search : a search among a collection of objects is exposed as resource, with the following fields :
    • resource [string] : name of the resource type searched
    • id [number] : id of the resource, optional
    • fields [object] : a json providing fields to use in the search, eg if a dvd is searched according to its title, fields will be {title:"stringUsedForSearch"}
    • parentResource : a search object with the same fields as above. It is used to scope a search within a parent resource, eg search for a dvd with a particular author.

Use-case scenarios

  • the base url is http://localhost/vod-2/api/.
  • programs such as POSTMan or Paw are the perfect tools to test REST APIs.
Create a dvd
  • POST at dvd
  • body :
  "title": "8 Miles",
  "price": "10",
  "quantity": "20"
Create a dvd provider
  • POST at dvd_provider
  • body :
  "name": "Big major"
Add a dvd to a dvd provider
  • POST at 'dvd_provider/:id/dvd'
  • body :
  "title": "8 Miles",
  "id": dvdId,
  "price": "10",
  "quantity": "20"  
Create a dvd order
  • POST at dvd_order
Add a dvd to a dvd order
  • POST at dvd_order/:id/dvd
  • same a "Add a dvd to a dvd provider"
  • a dvd could as well be added to author and director with the same pattern
Available business logic related resources for a dvd order
  • These resources carry heavy lifting business logic and should be used with great care.
  • POST at dvd_order/:id/payment to trigger a payment for a dvd order
  • POST at dvd_order/:id/shipment to trigger a shipment for a dvd order
  • POST at dvd/:id/arrival with a body as a json containing a quantity property
Search resource
  • searches for every dvd which name contains 'Mile' and has an Author of id 1
  • POST at search
  • body :
  "resource": "dvd",
  "fields": {
    "title": "Mile"
  "parentResource": {
    "id": 1,
    "resource": "author"



The backend codebase was coded using NetBeans IDE but is meant to be used without any IDE leveraging maven's lifecycle commands.


  • One mysql server installed, create a database named 'vod_project'
  • It should be accessible with the url localhost:$DEFAULT_PORT$/vod_project

Wildfly server

The project uses Wildfly as the Java EE container, you must download it, and follow the quickstart instruction to have it running in standalone mode and with an access to the admin console (with bin/add-user.sh). Each time the backend is redeployed, the database is cleaned (it uses a drop-and-create java persistence strategy).

Add MySQL as a data source to Wildfly


  • download the MySQL jar connector
  • go to your Wildfly directory
  • cd modules/system/layers/base && mkdir -p com/mysql/driver/main && cd com/mysql/driver/main
  • copy the jar into modules/system/layers/base/com/mysql/driver/main
  • create a file named module.xml alogn with the jar file with the following content
  <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.3" name="com.mysql.driver">
      <resource-root path="NAME_OF_YOUR_JAR_FILE" />
      <module name="javax.api"/>
      <module name="javax.transaction.api"/>
  • in wildfly home, cd bin/ then ./jboss-cli.sh (you must have an instance of wildfly started using ./standalone.sh)
  • run /subsystem=datasources/jdbc-driver=mysql:add(driver-name=mysql,driver-module-name=com.mysql.driver,driver-class-name=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver)
  • if you get a success, then you can go to the next step, if not, you have missed something.
  • open wildfly console admin (localhost:9990) and Configuration > Subsystems > Datasources > Non-XA > Add
  • at step 1/3 selec "MySQL connector" and ensure it have the following specs :
    • name : vod_project
    • JNDI : java:/vod_project
  • at step 2/3 "JDBC Driver" go to detected driver and you should have "mysql", select it.
  • at step 3/3, enter your information related to the connection to your mysql server.

Compile and deploy

Once wildfly is connected to the database and running, go to the project root, and run mvn clean install wildfly:deploy. The backend should be deployed at http://localhost:8080/vod-2.


Run mvn wildfly:undeploy -fae to undeploy the app, note that mvn clean install wildfly:deploy will undeploy and deploy the app.


  • you need npm
  • from the project root directory : cd src/main/typescript/frontend
  • npm start
  • the command above should have started a server on localhost:3000
  • since this project uses CORS but still have issues to be fixed, it is recommended to launch the browser with security disabled (--disable-web-security for chrome).


Ruby scripts

The project contains some ruby scripts to use the backend, below are some instruction to get it running.

  • you need to have ruby >= 2.0 installed
  • if you do not have bundle installed, gem install bundle
  • go to $PROJECT_ROOT$/src/main/ruby/api_client
  • bundle install
  • open a new terminal in the same directory
  • sidekiq -r ./api_client.rb

Seed the database

  • a script that generates randomized data is provided in ruby, just type ruby seed_db.rb with Sidekiq running.

Run the load_test

  • the load test is intended to stress the server, creating deadlock likely situations and DB connections pool shortage. Type ruby load_test.rb with Sidekiq running.


  • Add a User model to have several authorization levels (e.g. : managers, customers).
  • Security
  • Improve frontend style
  • Implement back-office frontend
  • Implement the missing feature of customer frontend (search, dvd providers, authors, directors lists)