
Please test functionalities on Firefox (manual reupload of photo not working on Chrome, not tested on other browsers)

Two possible upload mods:

  • Manual upload
  • Drag-and-drop

In image modification mode:

  • zoom/dezoom by scrolling
  • mouse drag-and-drop in image area move the canvas in it
  • "Canc" button allows to go back to upload view
  • "Crop" button allows to display/remove a crop area on the canvas allowing to crop the wanted image
  • "Prev" button displays the content of the crop area if enabled, and the entire canvas otherwise
  • Arrow buttons allow to move the canvas of the area in the directions corresponding to the buttons
  • "+" and "-" buttons allow to zoom/dezoom
  • Rotation buttons allow to rotate the canvas
  • Extra space rectangle allows to launch a color picker to set the background color of the canvas