
This script extracts ClearBasic code from a Clarify database.

Primary LanguageShell

This script extracts ClearBasic code from a Clarify database.
It extracts from code as well as global code modules.
It also builds a CBI file (clearbasic directives file for use with cbex)

For customer-defined code, it creates a new directory, "ClearBasic", and creates all files in this directory.
For baseline code, it creates a new directory, "ClearBasic.Baseline", and creates all files in this directory.

	extract_cb.cbs: Main routine 
	extract_cb.bat: Wraps the call to cbbatch; includes path to cbbatch executable 
	clarify.env: contains database connectiion information

	1. Verify (and modify for your environment) the database connection information in clarify.env
	2. Verify (and modify for your environment) the path to cbbatch.exe defined in extract_cb.bat

	3. Extract all ClearBasic code or just code for one resource config?
			By default, all ClearBasic code will be extracted.
			If you wish to only extract ClearBasic code for a certain resource config,
			then set the ResourceConfig constant within extract_cb.cbs to be the
			name of the resource config. 
			If the ResourceConfig constant is set to empty string, then all clearbasic will be extracted

	4. Extract baseline ClearBasic code or customer-defined code?
			By default, customer-defined ClearBasic code will be extracted.
			If you wish to extract baseline ClearBasic code,
			then set the IsCustomerDefined constant within extract_cb.cbs to be 0
To execute from a command line:
	Windows (DOS): 	extract_cb.bat