
A rapportive raplet for Clarify/Dovetail

Primary LanguageASP


A rapportive raplet for Clarify/Dovetail.

Schema Changes:

  • Add table_user.x_authtoken varchar(128)
  • A SchemaScript file is provided for this schema change (which can be used with Dovetail SchemaEditor): token.schemascript.xml


in fc.env:

  • database connection information
  • set the path to the logging configuration file

in logging.config:

  • set the File param to be the log file path and filename

in raplet.asp:

  • set the rapletURL variable to be the URL of the raplet
  • set the mobileAppURL variable to be the URL of the Dovetail Mobile app
  • set the authTokenField to the field on table_user that will hold teh user's authentication token. suggested: x_authtoken

Create your web app and application pool in IIS:

  • App Pool Name: raplet
  • Web site name (alias): raplet
  • Physical Path: directory where raplet.asp is located

Client Install: