
A profile for Grant Shively.

Primary LanguageAstroMIT LicenseMIT



A profile for Grant Shively, hosted at ihopethis.works.

API documentation is available via a Swagger UI

Sources & Inspiration


tabula-rasa is a web application running as a mixture of Jamstack and server-side rendering, backed by a REST and WebSocket API. It uses the following technologies:

  • Node.js: A JavaScript runtime that runs our web application.
  • Astro: A fast web framework that supports static site generation (SSG) and server-side rendering (SSR).
  • Svelte: A web framework for building interactive web applications. We use Svelte to build dynamic components that run in Astro Islands.
  • Express: Yet another web framework! We use it to host Astro, a REST API, and a WebSocket API.
  • Prisma: A Node.js ORM that has first-class support for TypeScript.
  • fly.io: A hosting provider with a generous free tier that runs full stack applications in regions all over the world. It provides an amazing user experience.
  • SQLite: A small, fast, self-contained SQL database. We run SQLite in-process with our web application using node-sqlite3.
  • socket.io: A library for bi-directional communication over HTTP and WebSockets.
  • nanostores: A tiny state manager that supports many web frameworks. We use it to share state between Svelte components.
  • Swagger: Tools to document and visualize APIs. We host a Swagger UI at https://ihopethis.works/api-docs
  • Playwright: End-to-end testing for web applications.


Run Directly on Host Machine

  • npm run dev: Start the project in dev mode with live reload. This only runs the Astro web application and not the Express APIs. Useful for a quick feedback loop while designing and styling the UI.
  • npm run build: Build the project.
  • npm run start: Start the project using the last build.

Run on Docker

  • make build: Build the final docker image.
  • make test: Build the base docker image and run tests.
  • make run: Run the final docker image.


This project is deployed to fly.io via flyctl. Flyctl uses the Dockerfile to build and deploy the project.

  • npm run deploy: Deploy to fly.io.

Project Structure

/db/  ------------------- Holds the sqllite db file when running locally. Mounted volume when live.
/dist/  ----------------- Created during astro build
/dist_node/  ------------ Created during typescript build
/prisma/  --------------- Stores the prisma db schema and migration files
/public/  --------------- Contains raw assets that are hosted directly by astro
/scripts/  -------------- Stores development scripts
/src/  ------------------ App code
  api/ ------------------ API code
  assets/ --------------- Frontend assets that are processed by the build
  components/ ----------- Astro/Svelte components
  content/ -------------- Astro static content
  layouts/ -------------- Astro layouts
  models/ --------------- Domain layer for the backend
  nanotstores/ ---------- Holds the nanostores that manage state for Astro/Svelte components
  pages/ ---------------- Astro pages
  services/ ------------- Backend services
  utils/ ---------------- Frontend utilities
  errors.ts  ------------ Contains all custom errors
  frontend-config.mjs --- Configuration for the frontend
  frontend-data.js  ----- DRYs up data used by the frontend
  prisma.ts  ------------ Provides db client
  server.ts  ------------ Main file for the API server
/tests/  ---------------- End-to-end tests using Playwright
  /__screenshots__/  ---- Stores Playwright screenshots. Mounted as a volume when running `make e2e`


  • limax is locked at 2.1.0 because later versions have issues with building native dependencies
  • svgo is locked at 2.8.0 because later versions have issues with astro icons