SvelteKit Supabase template

This is a work-in-progress template for SvelteKit (with Svelte 5) using Supabase. This is an article discussing some of the details of the authentication process.

It's built using Tailwind and DaisyUI, has light and dark modes and a simple profile page that allows changing one's profile image.


1. Clone the repo and install libraries

git clone
cd sveltekit-supabase-template
npm i

2.Getting Google OAuth keys

On the Google dashboard either select an exisitng project or create a new one. The go to Credentials and Create Credentials then select OAuth client id and go through the process, putting in http://localhost:5173 for URIs1. For Authorized redirect URIs you can put anything for now, but we'll replace it after the next step.

3. Supabase project

In Supabase you can create a new project or modify an existing one. Then go to Authentication and Providers and Google and copy in your Client ID and Secret from the Google Dashboard, after which you can copy the Callback URL in the space from step 2.

This will connect Supabase with Google.

4. Create users table

This will be our public users tables:

    id uuid DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4() PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES auth.users(id),
    email varchar,
    username varchar NOT NULL,
    profile_image varchar,
    role varchar,
    created_at timestamptz DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    updated_at timestamptz,

5. Set policies for users table

This allows users to select their own information:

CREATE POLICY "select_own_user" ON users
    auth.uid() = id

6. Create storage

Under storage create a new bucket called profile_images and then create a policy which allows authenticated users to read the images.

You should also upload the default-avatar.jpg to the bucket. This can be found in the static/defaults folder.

7. Set up the environment variables

Under the Supabase settings in API and Storage you'll find the URLs and keys needs to complete the environment variables found in example.env. Then you can do the following:

cp example.env .env

8. Run the program

npm run dev

You should then be able to go to http://localhost:5173 and run the program as normal.