Data Scraping Scripts

For Accountability Initiative, Centre for Policy Research

Setting up

  1. Download VSCode from here
  2. Download this zip file and extract it
  3. Open the extracted folder in VSCode
  4. Click on Terminal > New Terminal
  5. Copy and run this code in the Terminal –
python3 -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate && pip3 install -r requirements.txt

POSHAN Tracker

Copy and run this code in the Terminal –

python3 ./poshan-tracker/ 

This will create two new files HCM_given_last_30_days.csv and THR_given_last_30_days.csv in the poshan-tracker folder.


Top Speciality Copy and run this code in the Terminal –

python3 ./pmjay/ 

This will create a file pmjay-top-speciality-statewise.csv in the pmjay folder.

EHCP Performance To get EHCP Performance data, simply select all the text in the dashboard and paste it in MS Excel / Google Sheets.

Statewise Claims Pending/Payment

  1. Open the claims dashboard in your browser:
  2. Right click anywhere and click on Inspect. This will open the Developer Tools.
  3. Click on the Network tab and refresh the page.
  4. Scroll down till you find a bunch of rows with file name 1.0.
  5. Find the row that has the header for Claims Pending or for Claims Payment.
  6. Click on the row and then click on the Response tab.
  7. Right click on the list: row and click on Copy Value.
  8. Go to JSON2CSV and paste the copied value in the JSON box.
  9. Delete {"list": [ from the beginning of the text and the } at the end of the text.
  10. Click convert and then download the data as CSV.