
A template quick start project for an Electron + SvelteKit app written with TypeScript.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


This is a template quick start project for an Electron + SvelteKit app written with TypeScript.


This template breaks the project down into two sub-projects – the Electron app and the SvelteKit app. The Electron app is the "back-end" and the SvelteKit app is the "front-end". The two are connected via IPC channels. This is a straightforward way to structure an Electron app. It also makes it easy to swap out the front-end for something else if you want to.

We use SvelteKit as a static site generator. This means that the SvelteKit app is built into a static site and served by the Electron app.

Why do this?

  1. It's easier to maintain.
  2. To use TypeScript, SvelteKit needs the project to be an ES6 module. But Electron seems to require its project to be a CommonJS module. At least that's what I could figure.

What comes baked in?


  • Electron: Well, obviously.
  • SvelteKit: The hot new front-end framework. Use it.
  • Vite: Front-end build tool that makes handling SvelteKit a lot easier.
  • TypeScript: The best way to write JavaScript. Also the cause of most of your problems.
  • Electron Builder: Builds your app for distribution.
  • Electron Serve: Serves the static site generated by SvelteKit in production builds.
  • concurrently and cross-env: These are dev dependencies that make it easier to run multiple commands in the npm scripts.


Getting Started

  1. Clone this repo. Or download it as a zip file and extract it.
  2. Install the dependencies. Run npm install in the root folder and the renderer folder.
  3. Start the dev server. Run npm run dev in the root folder. This will start the Vite server and the Electron app in dev mode.

Seriously, that's all. There are no other steps.

You run the app with npm run dev and build it with npm run build. Your built app will be in the production folder in root.

Very Important Notes

  • The src folder in the root contains the "back-end" of your Electron app. This is where you'll put all your Electron-specific code. Your main process is in src/main.ts and the preload script is in src/preload.ts. You can add more files and folders here as you see fit. The IPC channels have to be set up in the preload script. You can see an example of it in the project.
    • The package.json in the root is for the Electron app. This must be a CommonJS module for Electron to work. You need to add TypeScript, Vite and Electron Builder as dev dependencies here, and Electron Serve as a dependency. All the metadata for your Electron app should go here.
    • The build.config.json in the root is for Electron Builder. This is where you configure the build process. You can add more options as you see fit. The Electron Builder docs are a good place to start. Make sure to set the "files" and "output directory" options as shown in the template. The files option adds the main and preload files from Electron and the entire build folder with the static site from SvelteKit to the production build of the app.
    • The tsconfig.json in the root is for the Electron app. This is where you configure TypeScript for the Electron app. The 'outDir' option is important. Make sure it is NOT the same as the "output directory" option in the build.config.json. Also, make sure to add ./global.d.ts to the "files" option to access the global types.
  • The renderer folder in the root contains the "front-end" of your Electron app. This is where you'll put all your SvelteKit code. The main SvelteKit entry point is the renderer/src/app.html. Everything else is exactly like a normal SvelteKit project.
    • The package.json in the renderer folder is for the SvelteKit project. This must be a ES6 module for Typescript to work so don't forget to add "type": "module" here. You need to add TypeScript, SvelteKit and the @sveltejs/adapter-static as dev dependencies here. It doesn't matter what metadata values (name, version, author etc.) you give here because this project is only going to get bundled into a static site. All the metadata for the Electron app is in the root package.json.
    • The vite.config.ts in the renderer folder is for Vite. This is where you configure Vite for the SvelteKit project. You can just go with the defaults. But remember this has to be a TypeScript (.ts) file!
    • The svelte.config.js in the renderer folder is for SvelteKit. This is where you configure SvelteKit for the SvelteKit project. You can just go with the defaults here. The static site will get built into a folder called build inside the renderer folder.
    • The tsconfig.json in the renderer folder is for the SvelteKit project. This is where you configure TypeScript for the SvelteKit project. The "extends": "./.svelte-kit/tsconfig.json" option is important here. Make sure to add ../global.d.ts to the "files" option to access the global types.
    • You must set export const ssr = false; for your SvelteKit routes and layouts. This is because we're using SvelteKit as a static site generator. If you don't do this, you'll get an error when you try to build the app.
  • When you run your app in development mode, the SvelteKit app will be served by Vite. When you build your app for production, the SvelteKit app will be built into a static site and served by Electron Serve. We set two settings to make this work –
    • One, in the main.ts file, we use an if-else block to launc the Vite server in dev mode and serve the static site in production. (See line #L41)
    • Two, in the npm scripts in package.json, we create a script called dev:all that concurrently calls two scripts called dev:svelte and dev:electron. The dev:svelte script first changes the directory to the renderer folder and then calls vite dev. And the dev:electron script first runs typescript (tsc) to generate the JS files and then calls electron ./dist/main.js - which is the compiled version of the main.ts.
  • The global.d.ts file contains the global type definitions for the project. This is where you can add type definitions for any global variables you might need to access in both the main and preload scripts of Electron and the SvelteKit files.


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