
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Comply Custom Reporter

This command line tool extracts data from WorldSpace Comply via its API and stores the data and scores into a JSON file locally.

System requirements

  • Node 8+
  • NPM 5+

Configuration (before running the tool)

Rename config.json.template to config.json and update it with your email address and your password for WorldSpace Comply.

Optionally change the name of the output report filename.

Including organizations and projects

If you want to run reports for specific organizations and projects, rename includes.json.template to includes.json and modify it accordingly. This file should use valid JSON and have each key the exact name of an organization, with an array of exact-named projects from your Comply instance. For example:

  "ACME": [
  "INC": [

Remember, the organization and project names should match Comply exactly.

Install dependencies

You'll need to install the Node packages and dependencies in order to use this tool. Do that with:

npm install from a command line. Make sure Node and NPM are both installed at or above the versions listed previously.


Simple (based on config.json)

Update the config.json file for quick and simple use.

  • grunt json fetches project data via the Comply API
  • grunt html compiles data into the roll-up HTML view

You'll find the HTML file in the web folder.

Advanced (using parameters and config.json)

If you aren't using the config.json file or if you want to override values in it, you can pass command line parameters instead.

  • node index.js --help to get help and see available options.

The following parameters and overrides are available:

  • -u or --username to provide a username
  • -p or --password to provide a password for a supplied username
  • -d or --duration for the number of months or days to retrieve
  • -t or --timeline to specify months OR days
  • -c or --current to start with the current month (true); default false
  • -r or --requests number of requests to make per milliseconds; default 5
  • -m or --milli milliseconds to wait between requests; default 5000 (5 seconds)

Example: to login with a user:

  • node index.js -u johndoe -p pass123 or node index.js --username=johndoe --password=pass123

Example: to retrieve three months' worth of data:

  • node index.js -d 3 -t months or node index.js --duration=3 --timeline=months

Example: to make 3 requests every 3 seconds:

  • node index.js -r 3 -m 3000 or node index.js --requests=3 --milli=3000

Score history starts with the most recent completed month by default. If you are mid-month and want to include scores from the current month, add the -c or --current=true parameter.

Resulting JSON will be in the reports folder as report.json.

Production or one-offs

Three individual steps are needed to generate the JSON and leaderboards HTML:

  • grunt json generates the JSON using default configurations via the config.json file
    • node index.js [options] generates the JSON file allowing you to specify configuration parameters
  • grunt html creates the HTML leaderboard

You can place the resulting web folder and its contents in a publicly viewable space to launch the leaderboard.

If generating the HTML leaderboard, you need to generate or have available the JSON first.