
Agnostic functional state machine with epic type support

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Agnostic functional state machine with epic type support


import { createStates } from "timsy"

const [states, createMachine] = createStates({
  FOO: () => ({}),
  BAR: () => ({}),

const runMachine = createMachine({
  FOO: {
    switch: () => () => states.BAR(),
  BAR: {
    switch: () => () => states.FOO(),

const machine = runMachine(states.FOO())


const currentState = machine.getState()

const dispose = machine.subscribe((state, event, prevState) => {
  // Any change

const dispose = machine.subscribe("FOO", (state) => {
  // When entering state
  return () => {
    // When exiting state

const dispose = machine.subscribe(["FOO", "BAR"], (state) => {
  // When first entering either state
  return () => {
    // When exiting to other state

const dispose = machine.subscribe(
  (state, eventParams) => {
    // When entering state by event

const dispose = machine.subscribe(
  ["FOO", "BAR"],
  (state, eventParams) => {
    // When entering either state by event

const dispose = machine.subscribe(
  (state, eventParams, prevState) => {
    // When entering state by event from state

const dispose = machine.subscribe(
  ["FOO", "BAR"],
  (state, eventParams, prevState) => {
    // When entering either state by event from state


yarn build
cd dist
# If you need to double-check what will be in the final publish package
npx npm-packlist
# publish via np or npm itself
npm publish