
High performance in-memory/distributed messaging pipeline for .NET and Unity.

Primary LanguageC#


MessagePipe is a high-performance in-memory/distributed messaging pipeline for .NET and Unity. It supports all cases of Pub/Sub usage, mediator pattern for CQRS, EventAggregator of Prism(V-VM decoupling), etc.

  • Dependency-injection first
  • Filter pipeline
  • sync/async
  • keyed/keyless
  • broadcast/response(+many)
  • in-memory/distributed

MessagePipe is faster than standard C# event and 78 times faster than Prism's EventAggregator.

Of course, memory allocation per publish operation is less(zero).

Getting Started

For .NET, use NuGet. For Unity, please read Unity section.

PM> Install-Package MessagePipe

MessagePipe is built on top of a Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection(for Unity, VContainer or Zenject) so set up via ConfigureServices in .NET Generic Host. Generic Host is widely used in .NET such as ASP.NET Core, MagicOnion, ConsoleAppFramework, MAUI, WPF(with external support), etc so easy to setup.

using MessagePipe;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

    .ConfigureServices((ctx, services) =>
        services.AddMessagePipe(); // AddMessagePipe(options => { }) for configure options

Get the IPublisher<T> for publisher, Get the ISubscribe<T> for subscriber, like a Logger<T>. T can be any type, primitive(int, string, etc...), struct, class, enum, etc.

using MessagePipe;

public struct MyEvent { }

public class SceneA
    readonly IPublisher<MyEvent> publisher;
    public SceneA(IPublisher<MyEvent> publisher)
        this.publisher = publisher;

    void Send()
        this.publisher.Publish(new MyEvent());

public class SceneB
    readonly ISubscriber<MyEvent> subscriber;
    readonly IDisposable disposable;

    public SceneB(ISubscriber<MyEvent> subscriber)
        var bag = DisposableBag.CreateBuilder(); // composite disposable for manage subscription
        subscriber.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine("here")).AddTo(bag);

        disposable = bag.Build();

    void Close()
        disposable.Dispose(); // unsubscribe event, all subscription **must** Dispose when completed

It is similar to event, but decoupled by type as key. The return value of Subscribe is IDisposable, which makes it easier to unsubscribe than event. You can release many subscriptions at once by DisposableBag(CompositeDisposable). See the Managing Subscription and Diagnostics section for more details.

The publisher/subscriber(internally we called MessageBroker) is managed by DI, it is possible to have different broker for each scope. Also, all subscriptions are unsubscribed when the scope is disposed, which prevents subscription leaks.

Default is singleton, you can configure MessagePipeOptions.InstanceLifetime to Singleton or Scoped.

IPublisher<T>/ISubscriber<T> is keyless(type only) however MessagePipe has similar interface IPublisher<TKey, TMessage>/ISubscriber<TKey, TMessage> that is keyed(topic) interface.

For example, our real usecase, There is an application that connects Unity and MagicOnion (a real-time communication framework like SignalR) and delivers it via a browser by Blazor. At that time, we needed something to connect Blazor's page (Browser lifecycle) and MagicOnion's Hub (Connection lifecycle) to transmit data. We also need to distribute the connections by their IDs.

Browser <-> Blazor <- [MessagePipe] -> MagicOnion <-> Unity

We solved this with the following code.

// MagicOnion(similar as SignalR, realtime event framework for .NET and Unity)
public class UnityConnectionHub : StreamingHubBase<IUnityConnectionHub, IUnityConnectionHubReceiver>, IUnityConnectionHub
    readonly IPublisher<Guid, UnitEventData> eventPublisher;
    readonly IPublisher<Guid, ConnectionClose> closePublisher;
    Guid id;

    public UnityConnectionHub(IPublisher<Guid, UnitEventData> eventPublisher, IPublisher<Guid, ConnectionClose> closePublisher)
        this.eventPublisher = eventPublisher;
        this.closePublisher = closePublisher;

    override async ValueTask OnConnected()
        this.id = Guid.Parse(Context.Headers["id"]);

    override async ValueTask OnDisconnected()
        this.closePublisher.Publish(id, new ConnectionClose()); // publish to browser(Blazor)

    // called from Client(Unity)
    public Task<UnityEventData> SendEventAsync(UnityEventData data)
        this.eventPublisher.Publish(id, data); // publish to browser(Blazor)

// Blazor
public partial class BlazorPage : ComponentBase, IDisposable
    public Guid ID { get; set; }

    ISubscriber<Guid, UnitEventData> UnityEventSubscriber { get; set; }

    ISubscriber<Guid, ConnectionClose> ConnectionCloseSubscriber { get; set; }

    IDisposable subscription;

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        // receive event from MagicOnion(that is from Unity)
        var d1 = UnityEventSubscriber.Subscribe(ID, x =>
            // do anything...

        var d2 = ConnectionCloseSubscriber.Subscribe(ID, _ =>
            // show disconnected thing to view...
            subscription?.Dispose(); // and unsubscribe events.

        subscription = DisposableBag.Create(d1, d2); // combine disposable.
    public void Dispose()
        // unsubscribe event when browser is closed.

The main difference of Reactive Extensions' Subject is has no OnCompleted. OnCompleted may or may not be used, making it very difficult to determine the intent to the observer(subscriber). Also, we usually subscribe to multiple events from the same (different event type)publisher, and it is difficult to handle duplicate OnCompleted in that case. For this reason, MessagePipe only provides a simple Publish(OnNext). If you want to convey completion, please receive a separate event and perform dedicated processing there.

In addition to standard Pub/Sub, MessagePipe supports async handlers, mediator patterns with handlers that accept return values, and filters for pre-and-post execution customization.


Publish/Subscribe interface has keyed(topic) and keyless, sync and async interface.

// keyless-sync
public interface IPublisher<TMessage>
    void Publish(TMessage message);

public interface ISubscriber<TMessage>
    public IDisposable Subscribe(IMessageHandler<TMessage> handler, params MessageHandlerFilter<TMessage>[] filters);

// keyless-async
public interface IAsyncPublisher<TMessage>
    // async interface's publish is fire-and-forget
    void Publish(TMessage message, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
    ValueTask PublishAsync(TMessage message, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
    ValueTask PublishAsync(TMessage message, AsyncPublishStrategy publishStrategy, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));

public interface IAsyncSubscriber<TMessage>
    IDisposable Subscribe(IAsyncMessageHandler<TMessage> asyncHandler, params AsyncMessageHandlerFilter<TMessage>[] filters);

// keyed-sync
public interface IPublisher<TKey, TMessage>
    where TKey : notnull
    void Publish(TKey key, TMessage message);

public interface ISubscriber<TKey, TMessage>
    where TKey : notnull
    IDisposable Subscribe(TKey key, IMessageHandler<TMessage> handler, params MessageHandlerFilter<TMessage>[] filters);

// keyed-async
public interface IAsyncPublisher<TKey, TMessage>
    where TKey : notnull
    void Publish(TKey key, TMessage message, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
    ValueTask PublishAsync(TKey key, TMessage message, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
    ValueTask PublishAsync(TKey key, TMessage message, AsyncPublishStrategy publishStrategy, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));

public interface IAsyncSubscriber<TKey, TMessage>
    where TKey : notnull
    IDisposable Subscribe(TKey key, IAsyncMessageHandler<TMessage> asyncHandler, params AsyncMessageHandlerFilter<TMessage>[] filters);

All are available in the form of IPublisher/Subscribe<T> in the DI. async handler can await all subscribers completed by await PublishAsync. Asynchronous methods can work sequentially or in parallel, depending on AsyncPublishStrategy (defaults is Parallel, can be changed by MessagePipeOptions or by specifying at publish time). If you don't need to wait, you can call void Publish to act as fire-and-forget.

The before and after of execution can be changed by passing a custom filter. See the Filter section for details.

If an error occurs, it will be propagated to the caller and subsequent subscribers will be stopped. This behavior can be changed by writing a filter to ignore errors.


Similar as MediatR, implement support of mediator pattern.

public interface IRequestHandler<in TRequest, out TResponse>
    TResponse Invoke(TRequest request);

public interface IAsyncRequestHandler<in TRequest, TResponse>
    ValueTask<TResponse> InvokeAsync(TRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

For example, declare handler for Ping type.

public readonly struct Ping { }
public readonly struct Pong { }

public class PingPongHandler : IRequestHandler<Ping, Pong>
    public Pong Invoke(Ping request)
        Console.WriteLine("Ping called.");
        return new Pong();

You can get handler like this.

class FooController
    IRequestHandler<Ping, Pong> requestHandler;

    // automatically instantiate PingPongHandler.
    public FooController(IRequestHandler<Ping, Pong> requestHandler)
        this.requestHandler = requestHandler;

    public void Run()
        var pong = this.requestHandler.Invoke(new Ping());

For more complex implementation patterns, this Microsoft documentation is applicable.

Declare many request handlers, you can use IRequestAllHandler, IAsyncRequestAllHandler instead of single handler.

public interface IRequestAllHandler<in TRequest, out TResponse>
    TResponse[] InvokeAll(TRequest request);
    IEnumerable<TResponse> InvokeAllLazy(TRequest request);

public interface IAsyncRequestAllHandler<in TRequest, TResponse>
    ValueTask<TResponse[]> InvokeAllAsync(TRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
    ValueTask<TResponse[]> InvokeAllAsync(TRequest request, AsyncPublishStrategy publishStrategy, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
    IAsyncEnumerable<TResponse> InvokeAllLazyAsync(TRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
public class PingPongHandler1 : IRequestHandler<Ping, Pong>
    public Pong Invoke(Ping request)
        Console.WriteLine("Ping1 called.");
        return new Pong();

public class PingPongHandler2 : IRequestHandler<Ping, Pong>
    public Pong Invoke(Ping request)
        Console.WriteLine("Ping1 called.");
        return new Pong();

class BarController
    IRequestAllHandler<Ping, Pong> requestAllHandler;

    public FooController(IRequestAllHandler<Ping, Pong> requestAllHandler)
        this.requestAllHandler = requestAllHandler;

    public void Run()
        var pongs = this.requestAllHandler.InvokeAll(new Ping());
        Console.WriteLine("PONG COUNT:" + pongs.Length);

Subscribe Extensions

ISubscriber(IAsyncSubscriber) interface requires IMessageHandler<T> to handle message.

public interface ISubscriber<TMessage>
    IDisposable Subscribe(IMessageHandler<TMessage> handler, params MessageHandlerFilter<TMessage>[] filters);

However, the extension method allows you to write Action<T> directly.

public static IDisposable Subscribe<TMessage>(this ISubscriber<TMessage> subscriber, Action<TMessage> handler, params MessageHandlerFilter<TMessage>[] filters)
public static IDisposable Subscribe<TMessage>(this ISubscriber<TMessage> subscriber, Action<TMessage> handler, Func<TMessage, bool> predicate, params MessageHandlerFilter<TMessage>[] filters)
public static IObservable<TMessage> AsObservable<TMessage>(this ISubscriber<TMessage> subscriber, params MessageHandlerFilter<TMessage>[] filters)

Also, the Func<TMessage, bool> overload can filter messages by predicate (internally implemented with PredicateFilter, where Order is int.MinValue and is always checked first).

AsObservable can convert message pipeline to IObservable<T>, it can handle by Reactive Extensions(in Unity, you can use UniRx).


Filter system can hook before and after method invocation. It is implemented with the Middleware pattern, which allows you to write synchronous and asynchronous code with similar syntax. MessagePipe's filter kind are sync(MessageHandlerFilter<T>) and async(AsyncMessageHandlerFilter<T>) and request(RequestHandlerFilter<TReq, TRes>) and async request (AsyncRequestHandlerFilter<TReq, TRes>), you can inherit theres to implement filter.

Filters can be specified in three places. Global(by MessagePipeOptions.AddGlobalFilter), per handler type, and per subscribe. The filters are sorted according to the Order specified in each of them, and are generated when subscribing.

Since it is generated on a per-subscribe basis, the filter can have a state.

public class ChangedValueFilter<T> : MessageHandlerFilter<T>
    T lastValue;

    public override void Handle(T message, Action<T> next)
        if (EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(message, lastValue))

        lastValue = message;

// uses(per subscribe)
subscribe.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine(x), new ChangedValueFilter<int>(){ Order = 100 });

// add per handler type(use generics filter, write open generics)
[MessageHandlerFilter(typeof(ChangedValueFilter<>), 100)]
public class WriteLineHandler<T> : IMessageHandler<T>
    public void Handle(T message) => Console.WriteLine(message);

// add per global
    .ConfigureServices((ctx, services) =>
        services.AddMessagePipe(options =>
            options.AddGlobalMessageHandlerFilter(typeof(ChangedValueFilter<>), 100);

use the filter by attribute, you can use these attributes: [MessageHandlerFilter(type, order)], [AsyncMessageHandlerFilter(type, order)], [RequestHandlerFilter(type, order)], [AsyncRequestHandlerFilter(type, order)].

These are idea showcase of filter.

public class PredicateFilter<T> : MessageHandlerFilter<T>
    public PredicateFilter(Func<T, bool> predicate)
        this.predicate = predicate;

    public override void Handle(T message, Action<T> next)
        if (predicate(message))
public class LockFilter<T> : MessageHandlerFilter<T>
    readonly object gate = new object();

    public override void Handle(T message, Action<T> next)
        lock (gate)
public class IgnoreErrorFilter<T> : MessageHandlerFilter<T>
    readonly ILogger<IgnoreErrorFilter<T>> logger;

    public IgnoreErrorFilter(ILogger<IgnoreErrorFilter<T>> logger)
        this.logger = logger;

    public override void Handle(T message, Action<T> next)
        catch (Exception ex)
            logger.LogError(ex, ""); // error logged, but do not propagate
public class DispatcherFilter<T> : MessageHandlerFilter<T>
    readonly Dispatcher dispatcher;

    public DispatcherFilter(Dispatcher dispatcher)
        this.dispatcher = dispatcher;

    public override void Handle(T message, Action<T> next)
        dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
public class DelayRequestFilter : AsyncRequestHandlerFilter<int, int>
    public override async ValueTask<int> InvokeAsync(int request, CancellationToken cancellationToken, Func<int, CancellationToken, ValueTask<int>> next)
        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(request));
        var response = await next(request, cancellationToken);
        return response;

Managing Subscription and Diagnostics

Subscribe returns IDisposable; when call Dispose then unsubscribe. A better reason than event is that it is easy to Unsubscribe. To manage multiple IDisposable, you can use CompositeDisposable in Rx(UniRx) or DisposableBag included in MessagePipe.

IDisposable disposable;

void OnInitialize(ISubscriber<int> subscriber)
    var d1 = subscriber.Subscribe(_ => { });
    var d2 = subscriber.Subscribe(_ => { });
    var d3 = subscriber.Subscribe(_ => { });

    // static DisposableBag: DisposableBag.Create(1~7(optimized) or N);
    disposable = DisposableBag.Create(d1, d2, d3);

void Close()
    // dispose all subscription
IDisposable disposable;

void OnInitialize(ISubscriber<int> subscriber)
    // use builder pattern, you can use subscription.AddTo(bag)
    var bag = DisposableBag.CreateBuilder();

    subscriber.Subscribe(_ => { }).AddTo(bag);
    subscriber.Subscribe(_ => { }).AddTo(bag);
    subscriber.Subscribe(_ => { }).AddTo(bag);

    disposable = bag.Build(); // create final composite IDisposable

void Close()
    // dispose all subscription

The returned IDisposable value must be handled. If it is ignored, it will leak. However Weak reference, which is widely used in WPF, is an anti-pattern. All subscriptions should be managed explicitly.

You can monitor subscription count by MessagePipeDiagnosticsInfo. It can get from service provider(or DI).

public sealed class MessagePipeDiagnosticsInfo
    /// <summary>Get current subscribed count.</summary>
    public int SubscribeCount { get; }

    /// <summary>
    /// When MessagePipeOptions.EnableCaptureStackTrace is enabled, list all stacktrace on subscribe.
    /// </summary>
    public string[] GetCapturedStackTraces();

    /// <summary>
    /// When MessagePipeOptions.EnableCaptureStackTrace is enabled, groped by caller of subscribe.
    /// </summary>
    public ILookup<string, string> GroupedByCaller { get; }

If you monitor SubscribeCount, you can check leak of subscription.

public class MonitorTimer : IDisposable
    CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource();

    public MonitorTimer(MessagePipeDiagnosticsInfo diagnosticsInfo)

    async void RunTimer(MessagePipeDiagnosticsInfo diagnosticsInfo)
        while (!cts.IsCancellationRequested)
            // show SubscribeCount
            Console.WriteLine("SubscribeCount:" + diagnosticsInfo.SubscribeCount);
            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), cts.Token);

    public void Dispose()

Also, by enabling MessagePipeOptions.EnableCaptureStackTrace (disabled by default), the location of the subscribed location can be displayed, making it easier to find the location of the leak if it exists.

Check the Count of GroupedByCaller, and if any of them show abnormal values, then the stack trace is where it occurs, and you probably ignore Subscription.

IDistributedPubSub / MessagePipe.Redis

For the distributed(networked) Pub/Sub, you can use IDistributedPublisher<TKey, TMessage>, IDistributedSubscriber<TKey, TMessage> instead of IAsyncPublisher.

public interface IDistributedPublisher<TKey, TMessage>
    ValueTask PublishAsync(TKey key, TMessage message, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

public interface IDistributedSubscriber<TKey, TMessage>
    // and also without filter overload.
    public ValueTask<IAsyncDisposable> SubscribeAsync(TKey key, IMessageHandler<TMessage> handler, MessageHandlerFilter<TMessage>[] filters, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
    public ValueTask<IAsyncDisposable> SubscribeAsync(TKey key, IAsyncMessageHandler<TMessage> handler, AsyncMessageHandlerFilter<TMessage>[] filters, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

IAsyncPublisher means in-memory Pub/Sub. Since processing over the network is fundamentally different, you need to use a different interface to avoid confusion.

Redis is available as a standard network provider.

PM> Install-Package MessagePipe.Redis

use AddMessagePipeRedis to enable redis provider.

    .ConfigureServices((ctx, services) =>
        services.AddMessagePipeRedis(IConnectionMultiplexer | IConnectionMultiplexerFactory, configure);

IConnectionMultiplexer overload, you can pass StackExchange.Redis's ConnectionMultiplexer directly. Implement own IConnectionMultiplexerFactory to allow for per-key distribution and use from connection pools.

MessagePipeRedisOptions, you can configure serialization.

public sealed class MessagePipeRedisOptions
    public IRedisSerializer RedisSerializer { get; set; }

public interface IRedisSerializer
    byte[] Serialize<T>(T value);
    T Deserialize<T>(byte[] value);

In default uses MessagePack for C#'s ContractlessStandardResolver. You can change to use other MessagePackSerializerOptions by new MessagePackRedisSerializer(options) or implement own serializer wrapper.


You can configure MessagePipe behaviour by MessagePipeOptions in AddMessagePipe(Action<MMessagePipeOptions> configure).

    .ConfigureServices((ctx, services) =>
        // var config = ctx.Configuration.Get<MyConfig>(); // optional: get settings from configuration(use it for options configure)

        services.AddMessagePipe(options =>
            options.InstanceLifetime = InstanceLifetime.Scoped;
            options.EnableCaptureStackTrace = true;

Option has these properties(and method).

public sealed class MessagePipeOptions
    AsyncPublishStrategy DefaultAsyncPublishStrategy; // default is Parallel
    HandlingSubscribeDisposedPolicy HandlingSubscribeDisposedPolic; // default is Ignore
    InstanceLifetime InstanceLifetime; // default is Singleton
    bool EnableAutoRegistration;  // default is true
    bool EnableCaptureStackTrace; // default is false

    void SetAutoRegistrationSearchAssemblies(params Assembly[] assemblies);
    void SetAutoRegistrationSearchTypes(params Type[] types);
    void AddGlobal***Filter<T>();

public enum AsyncPublishStrategy
    Parallel, Sequential

public enum InstanceLifetime
    Singleton, Scoped

public enum HandlingSubscribeDisposedPolicy
    Ignore, Throw


IAsyncPublisher has PublishAsync method. If AsyncPublishStrategy.Sequential, await each subscribers. If Parallel, uses WhenAll.

public interface IAsyncPublisher<TMessage>
    // using Default AsyncPublishStrategy
    ValueTask PublishAsync(TMessage message, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
    ValueTask PublishAsync(TMessage message, AsyncPublishStrategy publishStrategy, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
    // snip others...

public interface IAsyncPublisher<TKey, TMessage>
    where TKey : notnull
    // using Default AsyncPublishStrategy
    ValueTask PublishAsync(TKey key, TMessage message, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
    ValueTask PublishAsync(TKey key, TMessage message, AsyncPublishStrategy publishStrategy, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
    // snip others...

public interface IAsyncRequestAllHandler<in TRequest, TResponse>
    // using Default AsyncPublishStrategy
    ValueTask<TResponse[]> InvokeAllAsync(TRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
    ValueTask<TResponse[]> InvokeAllAsync(TRequest request, AsyncPublishStrategy publishStrategy, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
    // snip others...

MessagePipeOptions.DefaultAsyncPublishStrategy's default is Parallel.


When ISubscriber.Subscribe after MessageBroker(publisher/subscriber manager) is disposed(for example, scope is disposed), choose Ignore(returns empty IDisposable) or Throw exception. Default is Ignore.


Configure MessageBroker(publisher/subscriber manager)'s lifetime of DI cotainer. You can choose Singleton or Scoped. Default is Singleton. When choose Scoped, each messagebrokers manage different subscribers and when scope is disposed, unsubscribe all managing subscribers.


Register IRequestHandler, IAsyncHandler and filters to DI container automatically on startup. Default is true and default search target is CurrentDomain's all assemblies and types. However, this sometimes fails to detect the assembly being stripped. In that case, you can enable the search by explicitly adding it to SetAutoRegistrationSearchAssemblies or SetAutoRegistrationSearchTypes.


See the details Managing Subscription and Diagnostics section, if true then capture stacktrace on Subscribe. It is useful for debugging but performance will be degraded. Default is false and recommended to enable only debug.


Add global filter, for example logging filter will be useful.

public class LoggingFilter<T> : MessageHandlerFilter<T>
    readonly ILogger<LoggingFilter<T>> logger;

    public LoggingFilter(ILogger<LoggingFilter<T>> logger)
        this.logger = logger;

    public override void Handle(T message, Action<T> next)
            logger.LogDebug("before invoke.");
            logger.LogDebug("invoke completed.");
        catch (Exception ex)
            logger.LogError(ex, "error");

To enable all types, use open generics.

    .ConfigureServices((ctx, services) =>
        services.AddMessagePipe(options =>
            // use typeof(Filter<>, order);
            options.AddGlobalMessageHandlerFilter(typeof(LoggingFilter<>), -10000);

Integration with other DI library

All(popular) DI libraries has Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection bridge so configure by MS.E.DI and use bridge if you want.

Compare with Channels

System.Threading.Channels(for Unity, UniTask.Channels) uses Queue internal, the producer is not affected by the performance of the consumer, and the consumer can control the flow rate(back pressure). This is a different use than MessagePipe's Pub/Sub.


You need to install Core library and choose VContainer or Zenject for runtime. You can install via UPM git URL package or asset package(MessagePipe.*.unitypackage) available in MessagePipe/releases page.

  • Core https://github.com/Cysharp/MessagePipe.git?path=src/MessagePipe.Unity/Assets/Plugins/MessagePipe
  • VContainer https://github.com/Cysharp/MessagePipe.git?path=src/MessagePipe.Unity/Assets/Plugins/MessagePipe.VContainer
  • Zenject https://github.com/Cysharp/MessagePipe.git?path=src/MessagePipe.Unity/Assets/Plugins/MessagePipe.Zenject

Andalso, requires UniTask to install.

Unity version does not have open generics support(for IL2CPP) and does not support auto registration. Therefore, all required types need to be manually registered.

VContainer's installation sample.

public class GameLifetimeScope : LifetimeScope
    protected override void Configure(IContainerBuilder builder)
        // RegisterMessagePipe returns options.
        var options = builder.RegisterMessagePipe(/* configure option */);
        // RegisterMessageBroker: Register for IPublisher<T>/ISubscriber<T>

        // also exists RegisterAsyncMessageBroker, RegisterRequestHandler, RegisterAsyncRequestHandler

        // RegisterHandlerFilter: Register for filter, also exists RegisterAsyncMessageHandlerFilter, Register(Async)RequestHandlerFilter


public class MessagePipeDemo : VContainer.Unity.IStartable
    readonly IPublisher<int> publisher;
    readonly ISubscriber<int> subscriber;

    public MessagePipeDemo(IPublisher<int> publisher, ISubscriber<int> subscriber)
        this.publisher = publisher;
        this.subscriber = subscriber;

    public void Start()
        var d = DisposableBag.CreateBuilder();
        subscriber.Subscribe(x => Debug.Log("S1:" + x)).AddTo(d);
        subscriber.Subscribe(x => Debug.Log("S2:" + x)).AddTo(d);


        var disposable = d.Build();

Zenject's installation sample.

void Configure(DiContainer builder)
    // BindMessagePipe returns options.
    var options = builder.BindMessagePipe(/* configure option */);
    // BindMessageBroker: Register for IPublisher<T>/ISubscriber<T>

    // also exists BindAsyncMessageBroker, BindRequestHandler, BindAsyncRequestHandler

    // BindHandlerFilter: Bind for filter, also exists BindAsyncMessageHandlerFilter, Bind(Async)RequestHandlerFilter

Zenject version is not supported InstanceScope.Singleton for Zenject's limitation. The default is Scoped, which cannot be changed.

Adding global filter, you can not use open generics filter so recommended to create these helper method.

// Register IPublisher<T>/ISubscriber<T> and global filter.
static void RegisterMessageBroker<T>(IContainerBuilder builder, MessagePipeOptions options)

    // setup for global filters.

// Register IRequestHandler<TReq, TRes>/IRequestAllHandler<TReq, TRes> and global filter.
static void RegisterRequest<TRequest, TResponse, THandler>(IContainerBuilder builder, MessagePipeOptions options)
    where THandler : IRequestHandler
    builder.RegisterRequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse, THandler>(options);
    // setup for global filters.
    options.AddGlobalRequestHandlerFilter<MyRequestHandlerFilter<TRequest, TResponse>>();


This library is licensed under the MIT License.