GRADE: Automatic Graph-Enhanced Coherence Metric for Evaluating Open-Domain Dialogue Systems

Primary LanguagePython

GRADE: Automatic Graph-Enhanced Coherence Metric for Evaluating Open-Domain Dialogue Systems

This repository contains the source code for the following paper:

GRADE: Automatic Graph-Enhanced Coherence Metric for Evaluating Open-Domain Dialogue Systems
Lishan Huang, Zheng Ye, Jinghui Qin, Xiaodan Liang; EMNLP 2020

Model Overview



Create virtural environment (recommended):

conda create -n GRADE python=3.6
source activate GRADE

Install the required packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Install Texar locally:

cd texar-pytorch
pip install .

Note: Make sure that your environment has installed cuda 10.1.

Data Preparation

GRADE is trained on the DailyDialog Dataset proposed by (Li et al.,2017).

For convenience, we provide the processed data of DailyDialog. And you should also download it and unzip into the data directory. And you should also download tools and unzip it into the root directory of this repo.

If you wanna prepare the training data from scratch, please follow the steps:

  1. Install Lucene;
  2. Run the preprocessing script:
cd ./script
bash preprocess_training_dataset.sh


To train GRADE, please run the following script:

cd ./script
bash train.sh

Note that the checkpoint of our final GRADE is provided. You could download it and unzip into the root directory.


We evaluate GRADE and other baseline metrics on three chit-chat datasets (DailyDialog, ConvAI2 and EmpatheticDialogues). The corresponding evaluation data in the evaluation directory has the following file structure:

└── evaluation
    └── eval_data
    |       └── DIALOG_MODEL_NAME
    |           └── human_ctx.txt
    |           └── human_hyp.txt
    └── human_score
        |   └── DIALOG_MODEL_NAME
        |       └── human_score.txt
        └── human_judgement.json

Note: the entire human judgement data we proposed for metric evaluation is in human_judgement.json.

To evaluate GRADE, please run the following script:

cd ./script
bash eval.sh


To use GRADE on your own dialog dataset:

  1. Put the whole dataset (raw data) into ./preprocess/dataset;
  2. Update the function load_dataset in ./preprocess/extract_keywords.py for loading the dataset;
  3. Prepare the context-response data that you want to evaluate and convert it into the following format:
└── evaluation
    └── eval_data
            └── YOUR_DIALOG_MODEL_NAME
                ├── human_ctx.txt
                └── human_hyp.txt
  1. Run the following script to evaluate the context-response data with GRADE:
cd ./script
bash inference.sh
  1. Lastly, the scores given by GRADE can be found as below:
└── evaluation
    └── infer_result
            └── YOUR_DIALOG_MODEL_NAME
                ├── non_reduced_results.json
                └── reduced_results.json