
A sample demonstrating canonical EOS signatures in an Intel SGX enclave.

Primary LanguageRust

🔏 EOS Canonical Signatures in Intel SGX Enclave Example


A sample demonstrating canonical EOS signatures in an Intel SGX enclave.


🔧 Build It


  • An SGX capable machine.
  • Intel SGX SDK 2.5 for Linux installed
  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Docker.

Relies on: rust-sgx-sdk v1.0.9!

  1. Clone the Rust SGX SDK:

❍ git clone https://github.com/apache/mesatee-sgx.git --branch v1.0.9

  1. Clone this repo:

❍ git clone https://github.com/gskapka/eos-canonical-signatures-in-enclave.git ./mesatee-sgx/samplecode/

  1. Pull the correct SGX docker image:

❍ docker pull baiduxlab/sgx-rust-stable:1804-1.0.9

  1. Start docker container pointing it to the SDK on your machine:

❍ docker run -v /your/path/to/rust-sgx:/root/sgx -ti --device /dev/isgx baiduxlab/sgx-rust

  1. Start the AESM service inside docker:

❍ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/intel/libsgx-enclave-common/aesm /opt/intel/libsgx-enclave-common/aesm/aesm_service &

  1. Enter EOS sample dir:

❍ cd sgx/samplecode/eos-canonical-signatures-in-enclave

  1. Build!

❍ make


👉 Run it:

  1. After the above build, simply:

❍ cd bin && ./app

root@734a3b324bba# cd bin && ./app

✔ Home dir is /root
✘ Open token file /root/enclave.token error! Will create one.
✔ Running canonical signature sample inside enclave...
✔ Private key generated successfully!
✔ Public key generated successfully!
✔ Message generated successfully!
✔ Signing message...
✔ Message signed successfully!
✔ Verifying siganture...
✔ Signature is verified: true
✔ Signature recovery ID: RecoveryId(1)
✔ Signature is canonical: true
✔ Sample finished successfully!



✒️ Notes

The above build steps are monstrously fragile. Hopefully there's enough version-specific information above plus pinned dependencies inside the example to make it less so.



💂‍♂️ Tests


There are no tests yet! :S


✒️ To Do:

  • Tests!
  • Use GH repos for sgx-paths in Cargo.toml
  • Extract from the SDK dir structure.