

Primary LanguageHTML

Assignment: CSS Hell

You will skin 3 project gutenberg stories with custom CSS.

You will skin 2 versions of a possible professional homepage for your self with 2 versions of CSS.

Read requirements.org

Read this comic http://theoatmeal.com/comics/design_hell

git clone https://github.com/abramhindle/CMPUT404-assignment-css-hell.git

Part 1

Project Gutenberg Files

Changes Made to HTML Files

  • The CSS from each file was completely removed, and replaced with a custom style. (ie all CSS found on each html file was made by Graeme)

  • The directory that stored the images was renamed 'images', and hence the HTML was updated to reflect this change.

Custom Style Explanation

  • Background of body was changed to a yellowish color
  • Headers centered, given a fancy font
  • Paragraphs centered, and the text was justified
  • Paragraphs were given a less fancy font
  • The first letter of every paragraph is twice as large and has the extra fancy font
  • Images were centered, and given a 'ridge' border
  • Links were centered, colored grey instead of blue, and made to turn red when the mouse hovers over them


Textual content is copyright Abram Hindle (C) 2013 under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 unported license. Attribution should be a hyperlink to the repository and (C) 2013 Abram Hindle visibile in the text.

HTML/CSS content, PNG photos in the root directory, me.jpg, and Part 1 of README.md is copyright Graeme Keates (C) 2021 under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 unported license. Attribution should be a hyperlink to the repository and (C) 2021 Graeme Keates visible in the text.

Code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.