A collection of AS3 libraries and sketches I have built over the years. At present, many of the folders are empty, as I am in the process of retesting and cleaning up the different items as I add them. All class files are released under MIT. Other assets are copyright their respective copyright holders. Here is a list of the libraries you will find here: ** _Sketches ** Smaller sketches that are incomplete or less significant, but still worth sharing. * CurvedLines: draws curves from a series of points * DragManager: simple drag management * FloatyPods: rectangular pods arrange themselves via repulsion * HeatMap: a simple heat map implementation * HexMap: the start of a hex map drawing / interaction model * PaintBlobs: draws splashes of paint * SimpleTagCloud: extremely simple/limited tag cloud * Swarming * VersionStringComparison: compares common version string formats ** CamTools ** A collection of tools for working with webcam input. ** Chunker ** Simple library for breaking intensive tasks up across frames to maintain UI responsiveness (simple green threads). ** CollisionDetection ** Pixel-perfect shape based collision detection. ** ColorMatrix ** Provides common color adjustment methods for use with ColorMatrixFilter. Uses the same math / values as the Flash Pro IDE's "Adjust Color" filter. ** FireFX ** Creates animated fire effects on any display object. ** FrameScriptManager ** Inject ActionScript into a movieclip timeline at a specific frame number or label. Great for separating code and design. ** Kaleidoscope ** Create a kaledoscope effect using any display object as the source. ** PerformanceSuite ** Create performance tests for actionscript and graphics, then log the results. Includes tools to integrate performance tests into unit tests for TDD. ** ProximityManager ** Grid based proximity system for tracking the distance between large numbers of similarly sized elements. ** Rndm ** Provides simple methods for working with random values, such as Rndm.float(min, max), and Rndm.sign(). Also includes a seeded random version. ** SharpenFilter ** Extends and abstracts ConvolutionFilter to provide an easy to use sharpen filter. ** TextFlow ** Enables multi-field text using TextFields for applications like multicolumn text and flowing text around an image. Multiple versions with different capabilities. ** Wander ** A feature rich class for implementing wander motion (heading + velocity), including simple flocking.