
This repository is used to store R packages created by GSLab for use in multiple projects/repositories. If a stable release of a package is available from another source, then it should not be stored in this repository. Since different users will draw on these packages across multiple projects, we follow a standard strategy for development, testing, and documentation.

Useful tools on package development are given in the table below.

Resource Description
O'Reily R Packages A detailed guide of the package development process
Hilary Parker Barebones guide to package development with devtools
devtools on GitHub Easy package creation functions
roxygen2 vignette Methods for package documentation
testthat tutorial Contemporary unit testing in R
ggplot2 on GitHub Example of a large scale, well-designed, and reliable R package

Development Process

We follow the development process for code libraries outlined in the RA manual. We store each package in its own directory within gslab_r. The default name scheme is to give the package directory the same name as the package.


We use the devtools, roxygen2, and testthat packages as our primary tools in the package development process. devtools is a convenient wrapper for the functions in the others. The commands below are from devtools, but the syntax belongs to roxygen2 and testthat.

The create function initializes a package with the DESCRIPTION, R and NAMESPACE fields. The LICENSE file must be created manually, the DESCRIPTION file must be edited manually.

The document function should be used to produce the help files in the man subdirectory and appropriately fill the NAMESPACE file. This function is a wrapper for the roxygenise function from the roxygen2 package. This functions read from DESCRIPTION and the documentation for the files in R. Formatting must align with roxygen2 standards. Each time you update the documentation, run document() at the root of the package directory.

During development, devtools::check function should be used to preform the unit tests in the tests subdirectory and check a large number of other package aspects. This function centralizes and adds utilities to functions in the testthat package. The tests directory must be conform to the format used by testthat. To just run unit tests in the tests subdirectory without running the rest of tests, run the script testthat.R at tests subdirectory.

To install a package from GitHub, use the install_github function. To install or update the package stored in a local folder, use the install function at the root of gslab_r.


The workflow for the creation of a package might be:

  1. Create a new branch of gslab_r named development-packagename from themaster branch.
  2. Open R, load devtools, and run create("packagename") from the root of gslab_r.
  3. Write the functions, in-file documentation, and unit tests for the package. * From the head of the directory, run document in R to add and update documentation as needed. * From the head of the directory, run devtools::check in R to perform unit tests as needed.
  4. When development is complete follow GSLab procedure to merge the development-packagename branch into master.

The workflow to add a feature to a package that already exists might be:

  1. Create a new branch of gslab_r named development-packagename-issue from the development-packagename branch.
  2. Write the new functions, in-file documentation, and unit tests for the package. * From the head of the directory in R, run document to add and update documentation as needed. * From the head of the directory in R, run devtools::check to perform unit tests as needed.
  3. When development is complete follow GSLab procedure to merge the development-packagename-issue branch into development-packagename.

Anatomy of a GSLab R package

Every package contains the following structure.


The DESCRIPTION file (no extension) is required for R to reckognize a directory as a package. This file should contain complete information on the following fields.

  • The Package section should contain the name of the package.

  • The Title should give a descriptive package title.

  • Version gives the current version of the package. We use semantic versioning.

  • Authors@R references Matt and Jesse as authors and Matt as the creator.

  • Description is a paragraph explanation of the function.

  • Depends gives package dependencies. Normally, this will only contain a version of R.

  • Imports lists the packages that will be installed along with this pacakge. Imports provides a robust method of tracking dependencies between packages.

  • Suggests contains packages that may be useful but are not strictly necessary to use the pacakge. Packages used for development and testing belong in this field.

  • License by defauly contains a reference to a separate file LICENSE file.


By default, the LICENSE file (no extension) should contain the standard MIT Open Source License.


The R subdirectory stores R files that contain the functions in the package. Each script should include exactly one function. Arbitrary dependencies are allowed between the function in this package. Documentation should follow documentation guidelines(#function-documentation)


The NAMESPACE file (no extension) informs R which functions from the R subdirectory to load for use and which other packages to install.


The man subdirectory contains help files stored in .Rd format. Each help file should closely match the documentation of the functions in R.


The tests subdirectory contains the unit tests. We follow GSLab guidelines for unit testing.


The README.md should give a brief description of the user called functions in the package.

Third Party Pacakges

We maintain an R scipt in the root of this directory named Rpackage_build.R. This script contains a list of all third party packages used across multiple repositories and code to install them, if necessary. The shell script GSLab uses to set up machins calls Rpackage_build.R.