
Complete demonstration of an embedded Shopify App using Django

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Getting Started

This repo is a demonstration of how to build an embedded Shopify app using Django. It fully implements the recommended OAuth flow for Shopify apps and seamless support for adding/removing access scopes at any time after the app is installed. It was last confirmed working in September 2023.

Shopify Setup

Start by creating a Shopify Partner account and a development store to use for testing. I recommend having Shopify generate test data in your development store.

On your Shopify Partner dashboard navigate to "Apps" and click the "Create app" button. Click "Create app manually" and provide your app a name. After your app is created go to "App setup" and fill out the "URLs" section: App URL (http://localhost:8000/shopify/embedded_app/) and Allowed redirection URL(s) (http://localhost:8000/shopify/embedded_app/callback/).

Local Setup

Start by installing Homebrew and ensuring it's up-to-date:

brew update

Then setup up your Python environment:

brew install pyenv pyenv-virtualenv
pyenv install 3.11.4

You can ignore the warning about the lzma extension not being compiled.

Create a local virtualenv:

pyenv virtualenv 3.11.4 venv-django-shopify-embedded-app-3-11-4

# If you need to activate manually, run:
pyenv activate venv-django-shopify-embedded-app-3-11-4

Install Poetry, backend project dependencies and pre-commit hook:

brew install poetry
poetry install

Setup server environment variables:

cp .env.local.example .env

Setup your local database:

python manage.py migrate

Now you can run the local server:

python manage.py runserver