
This is Murmur2 hash wrapper for Python.

Primary LanguageC++


This is Murmur2 hash wrapper for Python.

This was forked and extended from https://www.github.com/orion46/murmur2

How to install

PIP install

You can install from pip:

pip install git+git://github.com/gsmcwhirter/zr_murmur2.git

Manual Install

If you want to install Murmur2 from a local download, execute the following script.

python setup.py install

How to use


  • hash_32 (MurmurHash2 32-bit)
  • hash_32a (MurmurHash2A 32-bit -- Merkle-Damgard construction)
  • hash_32al (MurmurHashAligned2 32-bit)
  • hash_32n (MurmurHashNeutral2 32-bit)
  • hash_64a (MurmurHash64A 64-bit for 64-bit architecture)
  • hash_64b (MurmurHash64B 64-bit for 32-bit architecture)


import zr_murmur2

print zr_murmur2.hash_64a(key="test", seed=100)

The first argument, "test", is input to be hashed. The second argument is a seed. The seed is optional and defaults to 0.

You can pass parameters by position or keyword.