This application was developed in response to the test for the Frontend developer position at Ifood.
The requirements are described in ifood-frontend-test.
🔹 yarn - to install dependencies;
🔹 yarn start - to run app;
🔹 yarn build - to run build for deploy app.
This app was developed with React Functional components with React Hooks. For structures was used:
🔹 ReactJs 🔹 StyledComponents 🔹 React-icons 🔹 Date-picker 🔹 React Hooks 🔹 React Router DOM 🔹 Axios
The folder structure is defined from the src folder which is the baseUrl.
├ assets
| â”” background-spotifood.jpg
| â”” icon.svg
├ Components
| ├ Content
| | ├ index.tsx
| | â”” styles.ts
| ├ LayoutPage
| | ├ index.tsx
| | â”” styles.ts
| ├ MainHeader
| | ├ index.tsx
| | â”” styles.ts
├ Hookes
| ├ auth.tsx
| ├ index.tsx
| ├ playlistsHook.tsx
| â”” themes.tsx
├ Pages
| ├ PlaylistsHome
| | ├ PlaylistCards
| | | ├ index.tsx
| | | â”” styles.ts
| | ├ PlaylistFilters
| | | ├ index.tsx
| | | â”” styles.ts
| ├ index.tsx
| â”” styles.ts
├ Services
| ├ API
| | â”” configApi.ts
| ├ authenticateService.ts
| ├ filterService.ts
| â”” spotifyService.ts
├ Styles
| ├ Themes
| | ├ ifood.ts
| | â”” spotify.ts
| ├ GlobalStyles.ts
| â”” styled.d.ts
├ Utils
| ├ applyMask.ts
| ├ emojis.ts
| â”” getToken.ts
â”” reactapp-env.d.ts