
Hyacinth is a collaborative data management and labeling tool for medical images. The Hyacinth server provides a uniform and friendly interface for ingesting, transforming, and labeling medical images in a collaborative environment.


Here are some things you can do with Hyacinth:

  • Manage large image datasets from a collaborative web app
  • Create pipelines to transform data to different formats (e.g. convert DICOM images to Nifti volumes) via a friendly interface
  • Create labeling jobs allowing multiple annotators to classify images based on provided criteria (pairwise comparison is also supported)

The Hyacinth web server can be run either on a local machine, or as a central server for collaboration. Once the server is running, you can connect via any standard web browser. Installation instructions can be found below.


First, download a build of the Hyacinth server for your OS.

Builds are currently provided for the following operating systems:

  • Ubuntu 22.04
  • MacOS 12
  • CentOS Stream 8
  • CentOS 7


Hyacinth releases do not have any required dependencies, but there are a couple of optional dependencies that are needed to use certain features.

If you want to use the built-in slicer driver, you will need a Python 3 installation. If your OS does not come with Python 3 pre-installed, you can download an installer from the Python website or use your preferred package manager.

Additionally, you will need to install the following Python packages using pip: nibabel, pydicom, and Pillow.

If you want to use the built-in dicom_to_nifti driver, you will need a dcm2niix installation. See the installation instructions.

Getting Started

The Hyacinth server is a packaged Elixir/Phoenix application, which can be started via a script included with the release. However, before starting the server for the first time, you need to create a database and add some data. The following steps will guide you through this process.

  1. Extract your downloaded Hyacinth release and cd inside:

    $ tar -xzf your-hyacinth-release.tar.gz
    $ cd hyacinth
  2. Hyacinth is configured using environment variables. While not strictly necessary, it is convenient to save these to a config file. You can generate a default config.env file using the included generate_config script. When you run source config.env, the variables will be added to your environment for Hyacinth to use. If you do this in a subshell (e.g. (source .env && ./bin/server)), the variables will be passed to the server without being added to your shell environment.

    Note that this command also generates a secure SECRET_KEY_BASE, which is used to encrypt user sessions. You should avoid changing this value as it will log out all users.

    $ ./bin/generate_config
    $ mv bin/config.env .
  3. The Hyacinth server uses two directories to manage data. The warehouse directory is used to store files, and the transform directory is used as temporary space when running pipelines. You can change the location of these directories via the WAREHOUSE_PATH and TRANSFORM_PATH environment variables in your config. To create these directories (matching the default config), run the following in your terminal:

    $ mkdir -p ~/hyacinth/warehouse
    $ mkdir -p ~/hyacinth/transform
  4. The Hyacinth server uses an SQLite database to store all application data. The location of the database file can be configured via the DATABASE_PATH environment variable. To create the database, run the migrate script:

    $ (source config.env && ./bin/migrate)
  5. (Optional) Now that our database is ready, we can add some data. For this, we will use the new_dataset script. Hyacinth currently supports dicom, nifti, and png datasets. The new_dataset script accepts three arguments: the name, the file type, and the path.

    Assuming you have some Nifti files stored under /path/to/niftis, the following command would create a nifti dataset named MyNiftiDataset:

    $ source config.env
    $ ./bin/new_dataset MyNiftiDataset nifti /path/to/niftis
  6. Now we can start our server using the server script. To start the server, run the command below and then point your web browser to localhost:4000 (the default host/port) to verify everything is working.

    $ (source config.env && ./bin/server)

Example Config

This is an example of a default config.env file (as generated by the generate_config script - see above).

export DATABASE_PATH="~/hyacinth/hyacinth.db"
export WAREHOUSE_PATH="~/hyacinth/warehouse"
export TRANSFORM_PATH="~/hyacinth/transform"

export PYTHON_BINARY_PATH="python"
export DCM2NIIX_BINARY_PATH="dcm2niix"

export PHX_HOST="localhost"
export PORT="4000"
export URL_PORT="4000"


Developer Installation

These instructions are for software developers who wish to modify Hyacinth's code. For user installation instructions, see above.


Hyacinth is an Elixir/Phoenix application, and an Elixir installation is required for compilation. See the Elixir installation instructions.


  1. Clone the hyacinth_server repository and cd inside.

  2. (Optional) If this is your first time using Elixir, you will need to install Hex and Rebar (package managers for the Elixir and Erlang ecosystems, respectively) to build Hyacinth. Both can be installed via the mix build tool included with Elixir.

    If you skip this step, you will be prompted to install both during step 3.

    $ mix local.hex
    $ mix local.rebar
  3. Install Hyacinth's dependencies from Hex (the Elixir package manager).

    $ mix deps.get
  4. Create the development database and run migrations.

    $ mix ecto.create
  5. Run the Phoenix server in development mode. Once the server is running, you can connect via your web browser.

    $ mix phx.server