A Python module for grabbing the color palette from an image.
$ pip install colorthief
from colorthief import ColorThief
color_thief = ColorThief('/path/to/imagefile')
# get the dominant color
dominant_color = color_thief.get_color(quality=1)
# build a color palette
palette = color_thief.get_palette(color_count=6)
class ColorThief(object):
def __init__(self, obj, is_obj=False):
"""Create one color thief for one image.
:param obj: A filename (string) or a file object. The file object
must implement `read()`, `seek()`, and `tell()` methods,
and be opened in binary mode.
:param is_obj: A boolean. If True, the object will be passed along. Useful
for passing PIL objects to ColorThief.
def get_color(self, quality=10):
"""Get the dominant color.
:param quality: quality settings, 1 is the highest quality, the bigger
the number, the faster a color will be returned but
the greater the likelihood that it will not be the
visually most dominant color
:param ignore_white: boolean, ignore white pixels if true
:param ignore_black: boolean, ignore black pixels if true
:return tuple: (r, g, b)
def get_palette(self, color_count=10, quality=10):
"""Build a color palette. We are using the median cut algorithm to
cluster similar colors.
:param color_count: the size of the palette, max number of colors
:param quality: quality settings, 1 is the highest quality, the bigger
the number, the faster the palette generation, but the
greater the likelihood that colors will be missed.
:param ignore_white: boolean, ignore white pixels if true
:param ignore_black: boolean, ignore black pixels if true
:return list: a list of tuple in the form (r, g, b)
Thanks to Lokesh Dhakar for his original work.
If you feel anything wrong, feedbacks or pull requests are welcome.