This repository, currently under development, contains shared software for the quark-gluon studies done in the context of the Physics at TeV colliders workshop in June 2015.
A wiki page with our progress is here:
This github repository is hosted here:
- Description (includes naming conventions for MC users -- please read)
- Status of the different MC runs
- what plots we do
- description of the Rivet routine
- Workflow (includes setting the rivet environment variables needed for many things)
There is a Rivet routine that computes a bunch of observables at a few R values (see "Description of the Rivet Routine" below for details)
Consider 2 processes: . mu+ mu- -> Z/gamma* -> u ubar . mu+ mu- -> Higgs -> g g
Each Monte Carlo lives in a folder <Generator>-<Version> e.g. Pythia-8.1.85 or Herwig-2.7.1
Each Monte Carlo should produce several result files (YODA): . their best central prediction . variations of alphas from whatever the "best prediction" has by factors of 0.8 and 1.2 [two extra values to be added afterwards] . a version without g->qqbar splitting . any other variations they think might help understanding what is going on . By default, run at hadron level
In each Monte-Carlo folder, there should be a README that tells how the results can be generated. This potentially goes with additional card files (in a "cards" subfolder if possible). E.g. the Sherpa-2.1.1/README file should contain something like <this_file.yoda> is obtained by running Sherpa NJET:2 ANALYSIS=Rivet -A results/this_file -f cards/Run-hgg.dat
Consider 5 energies: Q=50, 100, 200, 400, 800 GeV. Variations for each Monte-Carlo should only be done at 200 GeV. For the other energies, only produce the "best" prediction.
Naming conventions for the results should follow the following scheme < Generator >-< Version >/< level >/< process >-< Q >[flags].yoda
- level is either hadron or parton
- process is either uu or gg
- the "best" prediction has no flags
- the alphas variations have flags -alphasx08 -alphasx12
- the switching off of g->qqbar has flags -nogqq
- any additional variations comes with a friendly flag (e.g. -nome for Matrix-element switched off or -njet0, ...). These should be briefly described in the README
Status of the results:
|-----------------|--------------------------------------|--------------------------------------| | | hadron | parton | |-----------------|------------|------------|------------|------------|------------|------------| | | Q dep | alphas dep | no g->qq | Q dep | alphas dep | no g->qq | |-----------------|------------|------------|------------|------------|------------|------------| ! Herwig-2_7_1 | ok | ok | ok | ok | ok | ok | | Herwig-7-dipole | ok | ok | MISSING | ok | ok | MISSING | | Pythia-8205 | ok | ok | ok | ok | ok | MISSING | | Sherpa-2.1.1 | ok | ok | MISSING | MISSING | ok | MISSING | | Vincia-1201 | ok | ok | MISSING | ok | ok | MISSING | |-----------------|------------|------------|------------|------------|------------|------------|
- Herwig runs are missing the alphasx12 results. Not an issue.
Status of the other files
|-----------------|------------|--------------------------------| | | README | code/cards | |-----------------|------------|--------------------------------| ! Herwig-2_7_1 | ok | cards, no code needed | | Herwig-7-dipole | MISSING | MISSING | | Pythia-8205 | ok | cards ok, CODE MISSING | | Sherpa-2.1.1 | MISSING | template cards, no code needed | | Vincia-1201 | ok | cards ok, CODE MISSING | |-----------------|------------|--------------------------------|
Baseline: Q = 200 GeV, R = 0.6, all Monte Carlo programs optimal
produce a full set of distribution plots for . Quark distribution, gluon distribution, separation, integrated separation . Pythia variations: noME, nogqq, ... . Herwig variations: ... . Sherpa variations: ... . Vincia variations: noME, ...
Produce some variation plots (one plot for each observable and quality measure) . Q = 50, 100, 200, 400, 800 GeV (everything else baseline) . R = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0 (everything else baseline) . delta alphas / alphas = -0.2, -0.1, 0.0, +0.1, +0.2 (everything else baseline)
Extract all jets (ee-anti-kt(R)) above a given Emin JetDefinition jet_def(ee_genkt_algorithm, R, -1.0, WTA_modp_scheme) Emin is taken as 0.4*Q
Core list of shapes to study . Generalised angularities: kappa=1.0, beta=2.0 kappa=1.0, beta=1.0 kappa=1.0, beta=0.5 kappa=0.0, beta=0.0 kappa=2.0, beta=0.0 [use lin and log binning] . Thrust for the whole event (thrust axis, lin ang log binning) . total multiplicity in 4 different thrust bins: T < (5 GeV)/Q (5 GeV)/Q < T < 0.1 0.1 < T < 0.2 0.2 < T
Study R=0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0
Processes to consider:
Energies [GeV]: (Q=sqrts)
- 1st batch: 50, 200, 800
- 2nd batch: 100, 400, 1600, 3200
This describes how to run the Rivet analysis and produce some plots. For instructions on how to run the different event generators, see details in the respective generator directories.
If you only want to process yoda files, you can skip steps 2 and 4.
make sure you have the proper variables set to run rivet source ${rivet_path}/rivetenv.(c)sh
build the analysis using rivet-buildplugin
-L<path_to_fastjet lib> -I<path_to_fastjet include> -lfastjetcontribfragile (See note below) -
set the current directory in the Rivet analyses path by including . in the RIVET_ANALYSIS_PATH environment variable. For pp study, also need the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to where is.
Run Rivet [producing the yoda files]: mkfifo fifo.hepmc run_your_generator_output into fifo.hepmc & rivet --analysis=MC_LHQG_EE fifo.hepmc -H your_preferred_output.yoda For q/g enrichment, run it once for quarks and once for gluons.
Produce the separation information and plots by runnung ./
This does a few things:
- it creates the separation tables and yoda histograms for all the results
- it rebins the histograms for nicer plots
- it produces the quark, gluon and separation MC comparison plots (parton and hadron level)
- it generate summary histograms ans plot them Check plots.log for details of the run and enjoy the plots in plots/...
Note that individual results can be obtained by individual tools (see the file description above) and the rivet-mkhtml tool.
rivet-mkhtml <list of yoda files to plot> -o directory [-c config file]
Compilation Note:
The proton-proton analyses both use the modifiedMassDropTagger from fastjet-contrib. One therefore need to instsall fastjet-contrib and link against it.
Since Rivet builds shared libraries, it is advised to also install fastjet-contrib as a shared library which is done by running
make fragile-shared-install
after the regular installation in the fastjet-contrib directory. An alternative is to build the static libraries with the "-DPIC -fPIC" compilation flags.
If you just incluide the EE analysis in the Rivet plugin, linking against fastjet-contrib is not required.
As of 2015-06-05,
Herwig: yoda files provided by Andrzej
Pythia: card files to run hadron level with a custom tune (with and without ME corrections) code to run them awaiting commit Yoda files provided by Deepak [some renaming will probably be needed at some point]
Vincia: card files to run hadron level with a custom tune code to run them awaiting commit Yoda files provided by Deepak [some renaming will probably be needed at some point]
the script does the following (i) generate the separations (ii) do a bit of rebinning for aesthetic reasons (iii) produce a bunch of plots
Note that by default existing files are not overwritten. Use FORCE=yes to overwrite everything.
The pp analyses are implemented as Rivet routines in two files:
- which studies Z+jet events.
The event reconstruction goes as follows. First, a Z boson decaying to muons with a mass between 66 and 116 GeV and a pT of at least 100 GeV is recontructed ("bare" Z finder). Then, we require a jet with a pT of at least 60% of the Z pT (if more than one, we keep the hardest one only). We study the observables listed below.
- which studies dijet events.
The event reconstruction goes as follows. We select the 2 hardest jest in the event. We require that their pT sum is at least 200 GeV and that the pT of the second hardest jet is at least 60% of the pT of the leading jet. Both jets are then kept for study.
Studies: The jet selection described above is repeated for R=0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0. The WTA recombination scheme is used For each of the selected jets, we compute the same angularities as for the ee study, this time defined in terms of pT and rapidity-phi distances.
We also add a study of the same quantities computed on the jet groomed with the modified MassDrop tagger (with zcut=0.1).
Shapes.{hh,cc}: contains (FastJet-style) implementation of useful jet shapes (only GeneralisedAngularity so far)
- Rivet Analysis for the e+e- studies
- Rivet Analysis for the pp studies
- Rivet Analysis for the pp studies [OUT OF DATE and "bugged"]
Pythia/Vincia/Herwig/Sherpa directories contain codes and/or yoda files for the different generators
some helper scripts . an overall script that creates the separation tables and the plots This is the script you run to get results out of a git checkout The other files below are secondary.
. .yoda .yoda .yoda will, given the quark and gluon output, produce .yoda with the efficiency histograms and output to stdout a table with a bunch of quality measures (see notes in tex/ for details) .
. separation_table observable measure simple helper that extracts one number (corresponding to a given observable and separation measure) from a separation table (output of
. creates a yoda file with summary information for a given separation table
The workdir directory contains a script to run with different configuration. The script is called multirun. It requires for each code, including rivet, a bash file containing the shell environment required to run the code. The files must be placed in the lh2015-qg directory checked out from git and must be named: setup-rivet, setup-pythia, setup-vincia, setup-sherpa. For Pythia and Vincia, the PATH must include the respective examples directories and the example executables main42 and vinci01 must be compiled.
When multirun is executed without any option it creates a directory for each configuration containing a datacard and a script,, to run the analysis. When the --submit option is used in addition to the directory creation jobs are sent on the LSF batch system. For batch submission the runloop script must be run on lxplus from the AFS area.
The datacards are produced from the .template files located in lh2015-qg/Sherpa-2.1.1, lh2015-qg/Vincia, lh2015-qg/Pythia. The tags %xxx% contained in the templates are replaced by selected value by the multirun script. The part at the end of this script can be edited to choice different run configurations.
Note: the multirun script uses fifo for every generator and the analysis section of the Sherpa configuration file is therefore ignored.
Gregory Soyez Jesse Thaler Andrzej Siodmok Philippe Gras Deepak Kar ...