Smart-home network traffic IoT dataset
GHOST -- Safe-Guarding Home IoT Environments with Personalised Real-time Risk Control -- is a European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation funded project that aims to develop a reference architecture for securing smart-homes IoT ecosystem
The GHOST-IoT-data-set is a public data-set containing IoT network traffic collected with the deployment of the GHOST's capturing module in a real life smart-home installation, with multiple network interfaces and devices. During the capturing, abnormal functioning of devices has been intentionally triggered, to construct a data-set that enables the development of mechanisms that can conduct behavioral analysis against the activity in the smart-home.
The data-set is going to be available after the publication of the corresponding paper.
The data-set contains data captured on each one of the six network interfaces of the smart-home gateway and is organized into two distinct levels of abstraction, namely packets and flows/batches.
Specifically, the dataset consist of 12 csv files that contain data correpsonding to :
- Ethernet interface packets
- Ethernet interface flows
- Wifi interface packets
- Wifi interface flows
- PPP interface packets
- PPP interface flows
- Bluetooth interface packets
- Bluetooth interface batches
- RF869 interface packets
- RF869 interface batches
- Zigbee interface packets
- Zigbee interface batches
Detailed description of the dataset's fields are provided on the Description of fields, while the GHOST-IoT-data-set can be donwloaded from here.
If you are using this dataset for your research, please cite the publication: Anagnostopoulos, M.; Spathoulas, G.; Viaño, B.; Augusto-Gonzalez, J. Tracing Your Smart-Home Devices Conversations: A Real World IoT Traffic Data-Set. Sensors 2020, 20, 6600. DOI:10.3390/s20226600