

Primary LanguageHCL

DevOps Assignment (K8, Terraform,Wordpress)


  • Provision a highly available kubernetes cluster on Google Cloud or AWS or any other cloud.
  • Create a simple wordpress site and deploy it on the kubernetes cluster.
  • Create a mechanism so that webservice pod scales down to zero if there is no traffic on the page and automatically scales up if there is traffic (ignore the initial delay from 0 to 1 pod)
  • Configure the deployment to have FTP access.
  • Provision the above infrastructure using terraform ( Deployment of pods through terraform is not required )

Detailed Information

  • Provision a highly available kubernetes cluster on Google Cloud or AWS or any other cloud. ✔️

    Status: The GKE Cluster is provisioned using terraform, refer terrform folder/files.

  • Create a simple wordpress site and deploy it on the kubernetes cluster. ✔️

    Status: Wordpress app was deployed using manifest files ,kindly refer the files in kubernetes folder for the manifest that was used to deploy the wordpress app.

  • Create a mechanism so that webservice pod scales down to zero if there is no traffic on the page and automatically scales up if there is traffic

    Status: Could't configure the scale down to zero mechanism, it will require additional time as I would do it using the KEDA/Knative Kubernetes will allow the scaling to zero, only by calling API and the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler will allow scaling down to only one replica.

  • Configure the deployment to have FTP access. ✔️

GUI Method

  1. Access the setting/control panel of the wordpress.
  2. Add the user credentials for FTP Access.
  3. Define the directories to be access over FTP.
  4. Make sure the required FTP port 21/22 isn't blocked by any firewall in between.
  5. Use a FTP Client to access the wordpress files using FTP.

wp-config.php By editing the wp-config file.

Open the File Manager or FTP access to view and edit the wp-config.php file. This file is located in the top directory of the account, listed above the /wp-content directory.

define('WP_DEBUG', false);

define('FTP_USER', 'gaurav');
define('FTP_PASS', '*******');
define('FTP_HOST', 'gauravrtr.in:21');
define('FTP_SSL', false);
  • Provision the above infrastructure using terraform ( Deployment of pods through terraform is not required ) ✔️

    Status:The infra is provisioned using Terraform, kindly refer files in respective directory.
