
This online repository provides additional material accompanying the paper "Model-based Quality Assessment for Digital Twins which is currently under review for submission at the International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering 2024.

Prototypical implementation

In the folder ./src/it/gssi/cs/modeling/digitaltwin we provide prototypical implementations of the following components of the proposed architecture in this online repository:

Demonstration Cases

The following artefacts are available as additional material for the presented demonstration cases:

  • Demonstration Cases "Air Quality" and "Energy Consumption": The folder ./models/smartbuilding contains an example DTDD model (smartbulding.model), the resulting DTDD modeling language after applying the DT2Ecore transformation (smartbuildingDL.ecore), and the example DT model of the GSSI building (gssi.ecore). The KPI model of the air quality case are available in the sub-folder ./models/smartbuilding/airquality, and the KPI model of the energy consumption case is available in the sub-folder ./models/smartbuilding/energyconsumption.
  • Demonstration Case "Smart Manufacturing": The folder ./models/industry4.0 contains an example DTDD model (industry40.model), the resulting DTDD modeling language after applying the DT2Ecore transformation (industry4.0.ecore), the DT model of an example product line (productionLine.model), as well as a KPI model containing the KPIs for this demonstration case described in the paper. In order to represent the DTDD and DT model in the Azure DT service, we need to create respective models in the json-like syntax of the Digital Twin Definition Language (DTDL) used by this service. These files are available in the folder ./models/industry4.0/azure/domainDefinition for the DTDD and folder ./models/industry4.0/azure/instances for our example DT model.

We aso provide a video demonstrating the whole proposed pipeline for the air quality case evaluated on the GSSI building on youtube: Click here to view.