This is a base NodeJS template, which anyone can use as it has been prepared by keeping some of the most important code principles and project management recommendations. Feel free to change anything.

src -> Inside the src folder all the actual source code regarding the project will reside, this will not include any kind of tests. (You might want to make separate tests folder)

Let's take a look inside the src folder

  • config -> In this folder anything and everything regarding any configurations or setup of a library or module will be done. For example: setting up dotenv so that we can use the environment variables anywhere in a cleaner fashion, this is done in the server-config.js. One more example can be to setup your logging library that can help you to prepare meaningful logs, so configuration for this library should also be done here.

  • routes -> In the routes folder we register a route and the corresponding middleware and controllers to it.

  • middlewares -> They are just going to intercept the incoming requests where we can write our validators, authenticators e.t.c.

  • controllers -> They are kind of the last middlewares as post them you call your business layer to execute the business logic. In controllers we just receive the incoming requests and data and then pass it to the business layer, and once business layer an output, we structure the API response in controllers and send the output.

  • repositories -> This folder contains all the logic using which we interact the DB by writing queries, all the raw queries or ORM queries will go here.

  • services -> Contains all the business logic and interacts with repositories for data from the database.

  • utils -> Contains helper methods, error classes e.t.c.

Setup the project

  • Download this template from github and open it in your favorite text editor.
  • Go inside the folder path and execute the following command:

npm install

  • In the root directory create a .env file and add the following env variables.

        PORT=<port number of your choice>


  • Inside the src/config folder create a file named as config.json and write the following code:

  "development": {
    "username": "root",
    "password": "mypassword",
    "database": "database_development",
    "host": "",
    "dialect": "mysql"
  "test": {
    "username": "root",
    "password": null,
    "database": "database_test",
    "host": "",
    "dialect": "mysql"
  "production": {
    "username": "root",
    "password": null,
    "database": "database_production",
    "host": "",
    "dialect": "mysql"
  • Go inside the src folder and execute the following command:
npx sequelize init
  • By executing the above command you will get migrations and seeders folder along with a config.json inside the config folder.

  • If you are setting your development environment, then write the username of your db, password of your db and in dialect mention whatever db you are using. For eg:- mysql,mariadb e.t.c.

-If you are setting up test or prod environment, make sure you also replace the host with the hosted db url.

  • To run the server execute:

npm run dev