Correlation Matrix Simulation Tools
This repository contains two complementary tools for producing simulated correlation matrices of the CMB temperature anisotropy for a set of candidate oblique torus topologies:
An eigenmode generator for producing a csv file of the k wavevector values of the planar wave eigenmodes for a given topology, set of compactification lengths, and set of oblique angles.
A mode-mode correlation matrix function which returns a 837 x 837 square matrix as a Numpy array from a given csv file of eigenmodes.
Together, these tools make a convenient workflow for computing reproducible mode-mode correlation matrices for cosmic topology searches using the correlation matrix of the Planck CMB.
This work is part of John Dulin's senior thesis project for the Case Western Reserve University Physics Department. It was done under the tutelage of Prof. Glenn Starkman of the CWRU Physics Department and Institute for the Science of Origins, and with the assistance of Joshua Osborne to expand correlation matrix searches for cosmic topology to the cases of oblique torus topologies.