
Server-side implementation of the protocol that's used by the Corona Apps by the Austrian Red Cross.

Primary LanguageJava



This is a simple server implementation compatible with the Stopp Corona App by the Austrian Red Cross. So far it is only a prototype (messages are stored in memory and not persisted on disk, logic has not been tested and is most likely not fully correct, the code is still incomplete), but it might be useful for testing the mobile application.

How to start the CovidSrv application

  1. Run mvn clean install to build your application
  2. Start application with java -jar target/covidsrv-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar server
  3. To check that your application is running enter url http://localhost:8080

If you test the app with a local HTTP URL (instead of HTTPS) you need to set android:usesCleartextTraffic to true in the manifest of the Android app.


You can use this code under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.


Guenther Starnberger gst@gst.name