
Jacdac wired protocol implementation for ESP32

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Jacdac+DeviceScript Runtime for ESP32

This repo contains implementation of DeviceScript virtual machine and runtime for ESP32. See https://microsoft.github.io/devicescript/devices/esp32 .


Install ESP-IDF. Make sure IDF_PATH is set. You can also install ccache to speed up builds. You will need to run export.sh from the IDF folder - the Makefile will remind you.

To build run make.

To deploy run make r.


  • test flash jacs storage

  • test sensor watchdog

  • test cloud watchdog

  • add Jacs restart/crash blinks

  • add Jacs user blink

  • some blink for no Jacs program?

  • linker-override panic_restart() - do some blinking in there

  • synchronize timeseries ends to limit number of uploads

  • save current time in some RTC register so it survives reset (for stored cloud uploads)

  • 'failed' response for HF2 send

  • report Wi-Fi RSSI from tsagg

  • deal with Discrete from motion sensor

  • user-accessible watchdog in Jacscript

  • restart on infinite loop (hw-watchdog)

  • impl. watchdogs in tsagg + azureiot

  • blink on upload

  • save program in flash

  • multiple Wi-Fi networks saved

  • add HF2 over USB Serial (CDC)

  • set "CLIENT" flag in announce

  • disable self-reports coming from the wire

  • don't forward restricted packets to the wire from USB or loopback

  • only accept restricted packets from USB or loopback

  • add restricted flag in frame flags

  • re-enable wifi service - think about auto-connect?

  • implement Azure IoT Hub connection and IoT Hub health service

  • implement Jacscript Cloud service using IoT Hub

  • add auto-upload function in Jacscript and precompile for common modules

  • implement reset_in as hw-watchdog


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